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Julia's pov

My friends are in my room and we are watching a movie and I will sometimes go to Yunjin to check up on her because she's still ill.

"I'm checking up on Yunjinnie shortly" I say and it was difficult to get up because Yuna and Lia had their heads resting on my shoulder, Yeji and Ryujin on my thigh and Chaeryeong on my chest, they were all cuddled up on me, but honestly I don't have something against it.

I peek in because her door is open for a gap and she was asleep, but her blanket wasn't completely on her anymore so I walk inside.

I put the blanket on her shoulder back and her legs because her window is open and for sure not that warm for her.

"Mmmh, Julia?" She ask with a tired and quiet voice.

"Yes, do you need something, Unnie?" I ask and brush some hair out of her face for her.

"Glass of water please, and some medicine" she grab my hand and hold it a little.

"Okay, still have stomach ache?" She nod her head.

I brush my thumb over her knuckles "I'll make you an heating pad too so you also be a little more warmer under your blanket. I'll be fast, I promise" I say and she smiles a little and nod her head again.

After I got everything she wanted and need I walk back upstairs then into her room, seeing that she is sitting now, holding her stomach.

"You need to help me to the toilet, I can't hold it back anymore" she look at me and I put everything on her desk and help her out of bed and then fastly to our bathroom.

I wait outside the bathroom but the door is a little open so I know when she needs help getting back into bed.

"Gosh, this is so embarrassing..." she say.

"No, its normal, Unnie. You have a stomach bug, it's normal to vomit or have diarrhoea. I just hope you feel better soon" I try to assure her.

"Humans poop and its normal, Unnie. You shouldn't be embarrassed about it" I say and she chuckle, so I chuckle too.

She came out after a few minutes, and I could smell that she sprayed around deo so it won't stink much, and the window is open too.

She put one arm around my shoulder and I walk slowly back into her room. I lay her down and put the blanket up till her waist because now she is sitting.

I give her her medicine and help her drinking them down with water, then putting the heating pad gently on her stomach.

"Lay back down and try to sleep, you really really need it the most right now. I'll be in my room if you need me, okay? When the girls leave then I will come here and cuddle with you and try to give you a little more comfort" I say, caressing her cheeks and she close her eyes.

"You won't sleep here when your friends stay here?" She ask.

"I would, I just wanted to tell you that when they leave I'll be here immediately with you"

"Okay, that's good, because I really need cuddles as soon as you got the time too. I'm sorry if it stinks in here" she say and I just shook my head.

"Unnie, its okay, you can't change it and I can't too. As long as I can give you cuddles and it comforts you then I'm happy" I brush her hair back and she smiles and nod.

"Okay then, I'll try to sleep a little more now, and hope you'll be here soon" I nod my head and lean down, kissing her left cheek and forehead.

"I hope you sleep well and better now" I pat her head gently and she nods again.

The doorbell rang and we look at each other shortly "I'll open it quickly" I tell her and got up, seeing my friends outside my room to probably look too.

They walk a little after me but then just stopped at the kitchen while I walk to the frontdoor and open it, just to see my dad and sister there.

I look confused and tilt my head "and.. why are you two here?" I ask them.

"To talk, Julia" dad said and my sister smirked at me.

I'm not really used to talking in English but he don't really know Korean because he never really wanted to learn because 'he won't really see Eomma's family'.

"I think there is nothing to talk about, dad. I made it clear, I talked to you on phone and that's all" I say and try to close the door, but he put his foot there.

"Don't close the door infront of my face, Julia" he say and push the door open, closing the door after Aliyah came inside too.

"Hey, take the shoes off. I cleaned the floor this morning" I say and look at their shoes, seeing they're dirty.

Aliyah stomped a little on the ground, leaving dirt "Yah, this is so disrespectful" I kinda shout and she just laughs.

"Don't shout at Aliyah" dad said.

"I can do whatever I want in mine and Yunjin's house to make things clear. You don't have to tell me what to you when you're on my property. Julia don't do this, don't do that. I'm sick of this so I want you to leave, there is nothing to talk about" I tell them and still shout a little.

"You're going over the line right now, Julia" dad said.

"I'm going over the line?" I ask him and chuckle.

"I'm definitely not going over the line. You two are. You treat me like I'm a fucking stranger since I'm born, Aliyah keeps picking on me since she is 10 or something and you always took her side eventhough you knew what she have done to me. I always tried to get your attention, inpress you with good grades, but all I got was a nod, but when Aliyah was great she got a whole present, or some money, or things she wanted. Eomma is the only one being there for me since the first day, while you didn't even really look at me, surprises me enough that you can remember my name" I shout at him most of the times and I do really not care if my friends are here, also because they're not completely fluent in English like Lia.

"Because you were an accident! I didn't wanted you, but your mum made the dumb decision to keep you because she was so happy to have a babygirl. I never could look at you the way I was when we wanted another baby who is Aliyah. You're a dumb mistake and I still think of the day this accident happened" dad was honest and I feel how my eyes got really watery, a tear rolling down my left cheek.

I slap his cheek "go and fuck yourself, leave, I don't want to see any of you, you're dead to me. Good to know that Aliyah always knew about it and took it against me. I hope Eomma once see the real you and divorce, because she dont need such an dumb fucking idiot in her life. I hate you, both of you. I hope you two rot in hell and get punished for the things you two did to me. Fuck off, never text me or call me" I shout even louder and open the door, pushing them harshly out and shut the door loudly.

"Julia, do you want to tal-"

"No, leave me alone, there's nothing to talk about!" I tell my friends loudly and rush into my room, shutting it loudly too and lock the door to be alone.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now