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Yunjin's pov

I'm sitting on the chair in Julia's room and she is sitting on my lap, putting lipstick on her lips and give me kisses on my face for this one tiktok trend she saw on tiktok and now she wants to do one too.

She turn around and cup my cheeks, kissing me on the corner of my lips and I'm waiting if she might aswell give me a kiss or more like a peck on my lips.

She do this a few more times and sometimes look down to my lips, but she really didn't gave me a peck once and I'm too shy to say something to it or ask her.

She then do the tiktok and then point at me with her phone and it made me a little shy seeing myself with her lip prints on my face.

"Wah, this is really good. Are you fine when I post this online?" She ask for my consent and sit now sideways on my lap, looking at me with a big smile.

"This is a hard question because you know alot of people know me because of work" I say.

"Unnie, I don't need to post it. This was just a question and I wanted your consent and that's all. You don't want me to post it then I let it in my drafts for myself and a cute memory with you. You look really cute like this, I should wear more often lipstick and kiss your face" she say and tap my nose.

"What do you mean I look cute? I literally have your lip prints on my face" I say, looking at each other because the doorbell rang.

"I definitely won't open the door like this" I tell her and she laugh.

"You'll open the door with me" she say and got up from my lap, pulling me downstairs with her.

"Julia, no-" she opens the door and I stopped talking, my friends and her friends stand by the door.

I sigh out and my friends smile and wiggle their eyebrows at me, because they know that I love Julia.

"Oh, now being a couple without even telling us?" Ryujin said.

"Everyone can come in" Julia said and push Ryujin outside.

"And you get on your knees and apologise because we are not a couple. Bestfriends can kiss each other on the face too. Some friends even kiss each other on the lips" Julia said and I laugh a little.

She is still holding my hand and Ryujin really got on her knees "Oh Ms. Huh Julia, please forgive me for thinking you two are a couple. I forgot that you two are married" my cheeks felt a little warm now hearing that she called Julia with my last name.

"Wrong. You cannot be forgivin. One more chance or you can go back home to your mommy and daddy"

"I'm really sorry, Ms. Kang. Please, I'm begging for your forgiveness" Ryujin said and they're kinda good at acting.

"You're forgivin, Mrs. Hwang Ryujin" Julia said and Ryujin stood up, patting Julia's shoulder.

She close the door and I look at her "can I get the lipstick off my face now?" I ask her.

"No, definitely not" she say and pull me with her to the livingroom where our friendgroups sit.

She push me on the couch and then sit on my lap "Hey, can you be more gentle with me? It's already mean that I can't get the lipstick off my face" I tell her.

"You're sometimes not gentle with me too, okay? I'm the younger one, you should be gentle towards me" she say.

"That sounds wrong" Ryujin said.

"Yah, Shin Ryujin, shut your mouth now!" Julia said and throw some pillows at her.

Chaewon cupped my cheeks and make me look at her. She was smirking at me "even close to your lips, huh?" She ask very quietly and I only nod my head, knowing that she meant the lipstick print I have in the corner of my lips.

"What? You talk about being gentle to each other"

"But not everything is about sex, Unnie. Get sex out of your mind, gosh. You're so dirty minded" Julia said and was clearly frustrated with Ryujin.

She leans back to me and sigh out, breathing a little into my ear what gives me goosebumps.

"Julia, you breathe into my ear..." I tell her quietly and she get her head a little up.

Because of the sudden cold rush and goosebumps I got a little hard what I really hate because I don't want to have that.

I think Julia noticed this because she turns a little and looks at me.

"Let's go upstairs for a short time?" She ask me, but I couldn't answer because she just pulls me with her.

She close the door to her room and I sit on her bed, looking lost to her.

She sit beside me this time "sorry, I didn't know that it turns you a little on. I didn't mean to get you a little hard, Unnie" she said and turn sideways.

"Its okay, I... I didn't know it myself that it turns me on. I don't know anything because you know I'm not experienced. Just know that when you sit on my lap and you do something and it turns me a little on that it's not your fault, because I also don't know what turns me on" I say quietly because it's always embarrassing when she feels me being hard or know I'm turned on.

"Unnie, you don't need to be shy or embarrassed, yes? You can openly talk with me about it. I'm also not experienced into anything sexual, so we're in the same team, Unnie" she say.

"I thought you and Soobin-" she shake her head.

"We didn't, we only kissed and cuddled. Unnie, I was 17 and turned 18 the time I was together with him, and he also didn't wanted to do it because we weren't so long in a relationship to do this" I nod my head and lean my head on her shoulder.

"Its embarrassing, you know? You can always see a bulge or feel it when I'm hard, and people outside could see it too, you know?" She nod her head.

"I know, Unnie, but just be who you are around me. Don't change around me" she get her arms around the small of my back and rubs it.

"I won't, but you won't do it too, okay?" She nod her head.

"Do you mind if I already go to bed? I'm really tired" I ask her because I don't want to be with the girls right now and because I'm really tired.

"I don't. I can tell the girls about it that you're tired and that I also won't be awake for long so this time they won't stay here" she say and let go of me.

"Then, have a goodnight, Unnie, and sleep well" she said and give me a really big smooch on my cheek.

We leave the room and I went into mine to change and trying to sleep.

Julia's pov

I'm bringing the girls to the door because it's a bit over 11pm right now and I'm getting tired too.

"Yes yes, goodnight to you all too, get home safely" I tell all of them and also get to know Yunjinnies friends and they are really cool, and Eunchae is a really cute girl.

I lock the door and close every window we have here, then turning off the lighs and rush upstairs because it's always scary when everything is dark.

I open my bedroom door and turn on the lights, dimming it so I can change.

I smile a little to myself as I saw Yunjin laying in my bed and sleeps there. It's the first time that she is the one sleeping in my room by herself without me asking her to do so.

I also noticed that these past few days we are getting closer and closer and I really enjoy it that we get and she slowly get affectionate from herself, because she was never really like that towards me.

I'm done changing so now I lay down behind Yunjin this time and hug her frim behind, but because I'm small I can't really spoon her in my embrace like she is doing with me when she is cuddling me.

I snuggle my face to her neck and have one arm a little over her waist. I'm not used to it holding her, so this is definitely new to me, but I like it more when she holds me because she makes me feel protected and safe in her embrace and its always giving me some comfort, if I'm sad, mad or even when I'm happy it gives me comfort and I can just relax knowing she won't do anything except holding me.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now