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Julia's pov
1 week later

I'm standing in the kitchen, making me and Yunjin Unnie some kimbap and also some ramen to it because I want to have a girls night with her while eating and drinking some red wine.

She walk downstairs, completely dressed and I stopped doing kimbap.

"Unnie, where are you going?" I ask her and she went to the kitchen counter too, looking over to me.

"Emergency at work, I need to go there shortly" she say and I pout a little.

"But I thought we could have a girls night today" I say.

"I'll be away for one or two hours, so we still can have our girls night" she say and I pout eben more.

"That's so long. Can you try and come sooner?" I ask her and she makes her way to me, pulling me in a hug.

"I'll try my best, okay? I can't promise it but I'm trying my best to come home sooner to you" I nod my head and snuggle to her.

"Okay, thank you, Unnie" I say and she pat my head a few times and letting go.

"I'm going now so I'll be home soon" she say and I nod my head.

"Drive safely, because its raining, Unnie. Please be safe" I say.

"I'll be, don't worry, Julia" she said and leave the house, leaving me completely alone.

Yunjin's pov

After 1 and a half hour I could finally go home and I immediately did.

I'm opening the door and see everything is dark so I'm guessing she is upstairs in her room and wait there for me.

"Julia, I'm home" I shout for her and could hear how she opens her door, rushing downstairs and I turn the light on to see this cutie.

She hug me tightly, resting her head on my chest "finally. I like it more when you're home with me, Unnie" she tells me and I think it's really cute.

"Wah, you're so cute today. I still have one week off, so we can spend time together, just the two of us if you like to" I say and she smiles.

"Yes, I'll tell the girls to not come here for a week and all. Its just us two, Unnie, so, you'll cuddle me every single second aswell or probably have me sit on your lap. Or overall just me being snuggly to you" she said.

"Yeah, I was thinking that you'd do this. I have nothing against it. Let me change and then we can have our girls night. In your room or livingroom?" I ask her while we make our way upstairs.

"In my room" she said and I nod my head at her, going into my room to change into my pajama.

I get into her room and see that she put some leds lights up, alot of blankets and pillows, and ofcourse herself sitting on her bed.

She got some snacks and also some wine and the kimbap she made.

"Do you want those snacks, or want me as a snack?" She ask.

I close the door and make my way to her, sitting down beside her "you ofcourse" I say, because I know she jokes and I joke too.

"Okay, that makes me really happy. You want to eat me out now, or later?" She ask and push me a little by my shoulder.

"Hmmm, I think after the movies, some dessert, you know?" I push her a little away too and she chuckle.

She put some wine in our wine glasses and hand me one.

"You remember when we were at the club and I went away a few times?" She ask me while turning on a movie, probably so it's just a little background while we talk.

I nod my head and she get out some little papers "those are numbers from girls who talked to me. They are interested in you, Unnie" she say and shows me 5 numbers.

"Interested in... me? Are you sure? Because they gave you the number" I ask and put my glass on her nightstand.

"Look Unnie, I know you're probably not interested, but I want you to be happy and have a lover to experience something such as love, your first kiss, maybe your first time and all that. I know it's probably because of school and what you've been through because of some people, but you need to let a little loose and date when you feel it's the right time. You're the one that wants to have her own family, but if you don't let loose then it will be just complicated. You don't need to go alone. I can wait in your car or sit by a table near you, you know?" She said and take my hand in her.

If it would be so easy then I would already tell her that I have feelings for her, but I don't want her to take distance of me or something.

"I don't know, Julia" I tell her and she nod her head.

"I know that you don't know, I'm here to help and just tell you about these girls. It's overall your decision if you want to date any of them or not because it's your future" she say and I smile a little because she cares.

"I'm still scared a little I mean, I don't want them to know that I have a dick, but I know that they somehow find out about it and might leave, you know? Girls who are lesbian probably dont want to have kids, or atleast not giving birth because it can be painful, or just the thought to be in no contact with a dick, but here I am, a lesbian with a dick. I need to make sure to not get them pregnant and all that, you know? I'm happy that only you or my friends know and that's all. I'm happy with you and my friends, Juli" I tell her and she smiles.

"If we are still single with 30 and 29, then we will marry each other Unnie. Let's make this a promise that we can't break so we won't die single. When we are not falling inlove with each other when we are married and find someone than we can divorce privately, no one needs to know about it" she say and caress my cheek.

"I really want the best for you, Unnie. You're my bestfriend, my older sister, sometimes my second mom, but also my everything and it would make me so happy finding out you have a girlfriend and that you're so inlove that you can't stop talking about her" she continues and I feel a little like crying.

I hug her tightly and rest my cheek on her shoulder because I don't know what to say because she makes me speechless.

She rubs my back "just think about it"

"I can give it a try... who was in your opinion the prettiest of them all?" I ask, maybe if the 'date' goes well that I can loose the feelings I have for Julia.

"Sieun, that was her name. This is her number, I made sure to ask for theor names and immediately put it to their numbers because they're quiet alot. That's how beautiful and attractive you are, Unnie. I told you this so often too" she tap my nose and I chuckle a little.

"Okay, I'll text her and ask for a date tomorrow. But let's just spend time together now because you want me to just be with you the whole week" she nod her head and kiss my cheek a few times.

She lean a little down so this time I put my head on her chest and snuggle at her because I just love her so much that I don't want to let go of her.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now