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Yunjin's pov

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I woke up when I felt no other but Julia snuggle to me, so I look at my alarm clock on the nightstand and it's around 2am.

"Oh, why are you still awake, baby?" I ask, getting her under my blanket aswell to keep her warm.

I hug her a little, kissing her forehead "are you okay? I bet you were thinking alot about that. I'm sorry that I said that, baby, I wanted to tease you a little, I should've stopped right after you told me to stop, I'm sorry about that, baby" I apologise, my lips a little against her forehead, planting a kiss there again.

"I don't know why I reacted like that, Yunjin... im also sorry. You came home from work with headache and being tired and I probably made it worse for you. Do you still have a headache, Unnie?" She ask me and I rub her back.

"My headache is better, its completely gone now because I slept a little. Give me a kiss, baby" I say and she got her head up from my chest, leaning down and gave me a kiss.

"Thank you. Are you better? Did you slept a little or were awake till now?" I ask because it worries me everytime she stays awake long.

"Awake" she answers shortly and her voice breaks just a little, so I lean a little over and turn on the nightstand lamp.

"Look at me, baby" I say as I sat up and she sits on my lap, resting her head on my shoulder.

"No, babe, look at me" I say again but she dont look at me and won't listen.

I cup her cheek and make her look at me, seeing that she did cried the time she was awake.

"Oh, why were you crying, baby?" I ask her.

"I don't know why I'm emotional, Unnie, I really don't know. I just don't like that you said that, eventhough it is no big deal at all. I just don't know why" she say and shake her head, being helpless in this situation.

"Maybe you'll have your period soon, baby? You always be a little emotional before your period and while having your period because your emotions are playing with you at the time. We will have an answer to it sometime, and you can let me know" I tell her and she nod her head, putting her head on my shoulder again and hold a little on me.

"Please just tell me when you can't take my emotions, Unnie"

"No, because I will always take care of you, no matter if you're happy, sad, mad or anything else. You're my everything, Julia, you always was and always be, you're my girl and I love you every second" I cup her cheeks again and peck her lips a few times.

"I will never understand how you can make me a little happier in every situation" she smile a little and I pull her a little closer.

"I just know you the best, so I know what to say to maybe brighten up your mood a little. Now that you're happier, and we talked about it, let's get some sleep? Especially you since I already slept a little. I think it's adorable that you just came inside and snuggled up to me, because I know that you like to fall asleep in my arms, so, this is what we gonna do. You, being in my arms and I hold you for the night and we sleep together. Maybe I take off a day and you skip school? So we both can sleep in a little, enjoy our day, maybe I take you out on a date too, whatever you like to do" she just nod her head and snuggle, so I lay back down and cuddle her so maybe she also gets alot more sleep since its so late.

"You took off so many days already.. you can't just do that" she shake her head.

"I can, baby, and I will. I'll be spending my time with you tomorrow" I tell her, hearing her sigh out because she can't say anything else.

"Okay... a date but at home, nowhere else" I nod my head, kissing her cheek a few times.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now