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Yunjin's pov

Im driving to Julia's school because i need to pick her up and I'm really mad at her.

The teacher of the principle office called me because she was beating up some girl, or had a fight with her.

I'm really getting in trouble at work if she keeps doing such things in school, because it's not the first time she have a fight with someone.

I make my way inside and ask some students where the principle room is and they explained me the way to go there.

I knock on the door and hear a come in, so I open the door and went inside, seeing Julia sitting on the chair and she was looking at her lap, another girl beside her, probably with who she was fighting with.

"Julia's bestfriend?" I nod my head and close the door.

"Yes I am" I say and make my way to them, leaning myself up on Julia's chair and I'm really angry right now. If the teacher wouldn't be here then I would've shouted at her already.

"So, both of them will be suspended for 3 days, so they'll be here next week since the weekend is right after those 3 days are over" he explains and i nod my head.

"Yeah, that's understanding. Thank you for calling me, but I think we should go home now" I say.

"That's alright. You two can go home now while we wait for the parents to come for her" he point at the other girl.

I took Julia's back and have a tight grip on her wrist, pulling her out the principle room. I kind of push her to the wall and look at her.

"Are you out of mind, Julia? Beating this girl up?" I ask her and she kept looking down, not talking to me.

I see her friends so I just pull her out of the school and into our car "U-Unnie, you're grip really hurts..." she says quietly, so I let a little loose.

We're driving home now and she kept looking outside the window "Julia, what you did was really wrong and it really disappointed me hearing about it. Not only that, if you keep doing that you'll get kicked from your school, won't get your diploma, and can't do your dream job. Also, you get me into big trouble at my workplace. Don't you feel at least a little bad about it? Because I care for your school grades and your diploma so you can do your dream job, I also care about my job because I like it there and I get paid really good so I can pay the rent for two people. But if you keep going, then they'll kick me out. Do you know how hard it is to find a good paying job here, Julia? It's not the first time that you fought. You can fight back when she hits you first, but to my surprise it's always you who start a fight and it doesn't make me happy to know my bestfriend beats up other people, because you're a really sweet and good hearted girl, and seeing this side from you hurts me" I was shouting at the beginning but talked a little calmer at the end because I heard how she sob, and she barely cries about something.

We got into our home and she was quiet the whole ride home, she was trying to cry silently but I heard her sob sometimes.

"Oh, Julia is crying like a baby" Aliyah said, making fun of Julia like always.

"Shut your fucking mouth you little shit" Julia said and walk upstairs, shutting her door loudly.

I sigh out and make my way upstairs too to try and talk with her to hear her side, because I thought she immediately would tell me after I was done scolding her, but yeah like I said she was quiet the whole ride home.

I make my way inside her room and she was laying on her stomach, her face in her pillow like she wants to choke herself.

I close the door and lay down on her back, making sure she can breath by pulling the pillow a little away "what are you doing?" I ask her.

She don't talk, so I poke her sides because she is ticklish there "talk with me, I want to hear your side of the story too. This time you cried again because of something or someone else. I'm mad at you, but you can talk to me still because I will listen to you, Julia" I say and wrap my arms a little around her neck to hug her a little.

"Come on, you know me well, Ju. I can be mad and still listen to you and, so I can understand your side of the story and why you exactly did that. So, can you please tell me now?" I ask her again.

I got a little up because she tried to turn but I'm laying on her. I lay back down after she turned around and finally I see her face and could notice her busted lip and her lightly bruised eye.

"I did this for you, Unnie... I didn't start the fight, it was her and her group. They're the ones who picked on you in school, told everyone that you have a dick and we both know how this ended, Unnie. And today they noticed me and talked about it, infront of my friends so they know now too... and they overall talked shit about you that I couldn't control my anger anymore. It wasn't my intention that you get trouble at work, because I'm really thankful that you pay the rent for two people so I can focus on my studies. So I'm really really sorry about what happened, Unnie" she says and play a little with my hair.

"Just know that I'm also there for you and I would do everything if it have something to do with you, Unnie. I love you the way you are, I really do and you're my comfort person, my person where I can be me so I hope I'm the same for you, please don't change" she continues and it really warms my heart after she said that about me.

"I can understand why you did that, but next time just try and ignore it, okay? So you won't get yourself into trouble. What you said was really sweet, and I think about it the same. You're my comfort person, basically since we know each other because both couldn't really go somewhere without the other one. Just don't think when I'm mad at you that you can't talk with me, because you can, okay? You know I can't be mad about you long because of your cute face, and because you pout to get the madness away" she nods her head.

"I don't have a cute face, but thank you, I know that I get you with my pout, it's my secret weapon. But I'm sometimes scared when you look mad that I don't want to anger you more" she say.

"But still, you can talk with me, so do it" she nod and starts to hug me tightly.

I hug her back and lean my head on her shoulder, because I know she sometimes likes to hold me too because we're both comfortable with each other.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now