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Julia's pov

It's Sunday and I'm at a cafe with Yunjin since Soobin needed to leave early for schedules again, but we had breakfast together.

She is wearing tight pants so I've put my thin jacket on her lap since it seems like she is really hard today and it's really noticeable since she isn't that small at all.

She was drinking an iced americano while I was happy having my cold chocolate milk and a piece of strawberry cake.

"How's it going with Soobin? You look happier" she say and was looking at me.

"Yes, but I don't know if I want to be in a relationship with him. I think I found out that I'm more interested in girls than boys, and he is an idol, he barely won't have time for me and all. You know I need alot of attention and so on" I poke a little into my cake with my fork and glance a little at her.

"Yes, but you need to let him know, okay? Cuddling around and all will give him high hopes of maybe ending in a relationship again. He seems like he is more inlove with you than he ever was, you know? I know you won't play with someone's heart, or won't do that on purpose, but I do know you like cuddles alot and he would give them you, and so he might think you soon want to be in a relationship with you. Text him or meet him the next few days to tell him, okay? So you stay as friends and he can focus on maybe moving on" she hold onto one of my hands and I nod my head at her.

"Yeah, you're right, but I really don't want to loose him, Unnie. I think I'm still really attached to him because he treat me so good, in the relationship and not in a relationship, you know what I mean, Unnie?  I enjoy it when I cuddle with him, or be close with him, I think I'm still not moved on completely but like I said, I'm more interested in girls I guess and don't want to be in a relationship with him again.. even if this might break his heart what I don't want" I say and take a seat beside her since I sat across of her before.

I lean my head on her shoulder and put my fork down, clinging on her arm.

"I will text him this later so he'll know about it" I say and she nod her head.

"That's good that you will do that, Julia. That's the right decision to do" she pat my head a little and I do makes me a little sad to maybe break his heart, but that's how I feel.

Yunjin's pov

After Julia and I came home from spending time at the cafe she drank some alcohol, probably to get a little loose today and to have the thoughts out of her mind for tonight.

She was also annoyed because of her sister teasing her and their bond never was great, they always bicker around or more like Aliyah is annoying Julia and get on her nerves and I guess Julia don't know how to handle this.

I was carrying her upstairs in her room because she's being a drunken zombie right now and kept falling asleep on the couch, I'll make sure she won't go to school tomorrow and take a good rest without doing school stuff or something else, just laying in bed and gets treated like a princess by me this time, and only once because she shouldn't get used to it.

"Are you alright changing yourself into your pajama?" I ask and sit down on her bed, she was laying beside me.

"No, I don't think so" she mumble and kind of not saying the words right.

She laugh a little and I just chuckle and shake my head "why are you such a different person when you're drunk?" I ask her and she start to sit up, struggling to undress her tshirt and pants.

I help her a little and start to grab her pajama pieces, helping her getting dressed in them.

I lay her more up and put her head gently on her pillow, pulling the blanket up to her shoulder and sit down on her bed again.

"Sleep well, you won't go to school tomorrow, okay? When you need something in the night, or feel like throwing up than shout for me while being on the way to the bathroom" I say it a little louder so she can hear and understand this pretty well.

"Okay, thank you Unnie" she said and smile drunkenly, closing her eyes.

I turn off the light and leave her room, going into mine.

It was just 5mins ago when I brought Julia to bed and now she is standing in the doorframe with her blanket wrapped around her, looking at me with a pout.

We don't talk, we just look at each other. I have my book on my lap because I was reading a book before going to sleep.

I'm just wearing my boxers under my blanket because well, I'm in my room and didn't thought she would come inside so soon.

"Okay Julia, what do you need?" I ask, closing my book and put it on my nightstand.

She close the door and walks over to me, crawling on my bed and then place herself on my lap, leaning her head against my shoulder and I sigh out.

I wrap my arms around her waist and roll my eyes a little "Okay, tell me what's going on" I say.

"Stressed" she whisper.

"Yeah, I know, that's probably one of the reasons why you just drank some alcohol awhile ago" she nod her head.

"Tell me about your thoughts, even if you might not remember tomorrow about all what you said" I brush some of her hair away from my neck because it tickles.

"School is stressing, life isn't easy, Aliyah is annoying like always and I don't like it because I'm already so stressed and worn out from all the school stuff and some problems on my mind that I sometimes just want to cry, but I somehow can't cry. I think I just need to move on with my life and push my feelings to the side" she plays a little with her blanket and tells me about her feelings.

But suddenly she looks at me while sitting straightly on my lap "am I a good friend? We've fought so much the last few months that I think we drift apart more, Unnie. I don't want to loose you, you're my bestfriend and I like you so much" she have her hands on my shoulders and pull a little on my tshirt.

"Hey, calm down. You know that we both get older so we will fight more because we're bestfriends, and you definitely won't loose me because I like you so much too. Everything is okay, and you're the best friend I have in my life and I never thought that we come so far by living with each other and do our own things. I'm your bestfriend, and you're my bestfriend and also kind of my little baby since I need to take care of you alot, sometimes making me feel you're my daughter" I say, and now she really started to cry a little because of her emotions.

I wipe her tears away and she nod her head "thank you for being here for me, Unnie" she mumble and I smile at her.

"No problem. Let's get to sleep now, wanna cuddle? So you calm a little down and get sleepy?" She nods and get off my lap, laying down on her side so I just do the same to hug her from behind and cuddle her for the night.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now