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Yunjin's pov
4 days later

I'm feeling better after my friends took care of me because Julia kept locking herself up in her room, and her friends told me what happened while I was sound asleep and didn't noticed that there were shouts downstairs.

They are worried and ask me almost everyday how Julia is because she dont talk to them at school and don't text or call them back too.

But she also didn't really came out, except for getting water or food into her room and bringing the dishes back down.

It really worries me because it hurted her so much that she even lock herself up in her room and don't even talk to me, while I just want to hold her and comfort her.

I push my blanket to the side and make my way to Julia to knock on the door and see if she opens for me.

"Julia, my cute baby, open the door for me please" I say and lean my head on the door.

"No" she say with her voice breaking.

"Come on, let me hold and comfort you, we both know you need this the most right now. We don't need to talk about it if you don't want to, but just let me hold you and get comfortable in my embrace, hmm? Doesn't this sound just so good after a few days not cuddling a little bit or be close to each other? Let me just hold you close and tight. You said I'm your comfort person, having the embrace you feel the most safe, secure and comfort in. Open the door for me, young pretty lady" I say and I could hear footsteps, slowly how she unlocks the door and peeks out, looking at me.

I open the door more and pull her in my arms, hearing how she breaks down probably for the third time today.

I close the door and get her up, bringing us to her bed and sit down, having her on my lap and rub her back.

She sob loudly against my shoulder and it breaks my heart in many pieces hearing her being so hurt.

"Your mom keeps texting me, she's worried. Don't you want to talk to her?" She shake her head.

"S-She lied to me too" she say and I shake my head this time.

"No, it was right of her to net tell this because she definitely wanted you. Your dad said she was happy finding out she have you, so your mom didn't lied. Also how would you feel when your mom would tell you that? You wouldn't like it so no, she didn't lied. You should talk with her, so she knows more about what happened. I think Aliyah told her that you slapped your dad, but she already knew that it's not your fault. Should I call her and tell her she can come over?"

"I-I don't know if it's great to tell her, Unnie. I don't w-want her to think I lie like my dad always do" she say and rub her nose on my tshirt, what is okay for me right now.

"She should know, she is worried but couldn't really get here because she found a work place here and take care of Luis after work because you know your dad. So atleast talk to her, okay?" She nod her head and I smile a little because she will talk with her today then.

Julia's pov

A knock was heard on my door and I tell probably my mom to come inside.

The door opens and my mom was there, holding Luis in her arms. She smiles a little at me.

"You're finally letting me talk to you, baby" she say and close the door, sitting down to my bed infront of me, laying Luis down.

Yunjin came inside "I will take Luis the time you'll talk" she say and rush to us, looking at Luis with a smile and it's cute how she adores babies.

Mom took my hands after Yunjin left and close the door.

"What did dad or Aliyah told you to make you shout at them and have breakdowns, hmm? You can tell me know, so I know the reason why you slapped your father" she say and I start to cry a little again, and she immediately wipe my tears away.

"Dad said... that I'm a mistake and he never treated me right because he never wanted me. W-While Aliyah is the child he wanted, and so he treats me like I'm no one to him. Maybe I did go over the line a little bit... but the things I told to them after was because I didn't know how to take this in. It really hurts me to know I'm a mistake, Eomma. I don't want to see them anymore, they're no family to me anymore and I want you t-to not letting them go near me or act lovely towards me, because I don't want to have contact to them, Eomma. W-Why didn't you aborted me or brought me to adoption, Eomma?..."

She start to cry too and cup my cheeks "because you're not a mistake to me, babygirl, you never was and never be. I'm happy to have you. We did used protection, yes, but when I found out I'll be having a healthy babygirl then I got so happy and I wanted to have you. I love you the way that you are, Julia, and I'm proud of you for being so so brave. You'll always be my little babygirl and you always receive my love that I have for you, because your my daughter, my oldest child, and proud of you of how far you came with your life, with only 19. You don't deserve those words, how both of them treated you, and how disrespectful they are towards you. You and your siblings are the best thing that ever happened to my life, and I will never change the way I treat you. Just know, that you can always talk to me about everything, because I will listen to you always and give you comfort the best I can, okay? Don't ignore me when you have a hard time like you just did these past few days, because it worries me alot because I don't know if something happened to you" she say and after telling me that kissing my head while i just cry harder because it got me emotional.

I hug her and cry against her chest, feeling how she hugs me back tightly and rub my back and massaging the back of my head.

"T-Thank you, I love you so much, Eomma. B-But what about y-you and dad?" I ask, because I didn't really know what else to say right now, but I appreciate her words alot.

"Dad and I are divorced for a long time now, since you left I divorced him because I couldn't take it anymore. He was having a little affair too so it was another reason to leave him, but Aliyah wanted to stay with him" mom say and I look at her.

She wipe my tears away again and kiss me on my forehead "I have a boyfriend, for over a year now and it's so perfect with him and yeah, I got pregnant and now we have Luis. I just thought if I say it that you maybe be mad or something" she say and caress both my cheeks while I shake my head.

"No, I-I wouldn't be mad, Eomma, I want you to be happy and I'm happy f-for you to that you have a boyfriend who is good to you. Maybe it was a little fast with a baby, but i-if it's what you want to early then go for it, it's your life, Eomma. But just... I don't want dad to come to me, same to Aliyah. I only want you, Luis and your other family members close to me, as family, you know? Dad's family wasn't treating me the best too but... your family treats me with love" I say and she nod her head.

"I won't force you to talk to dad or Aliyah, it's your decision afterall. About my family, the reason why it's like that is that you were so interested in my family that you met them while we weren't there. I'm sure they would treat you with love even if you wouldn't do that, but you also gave them your attention to find out more about them and my background. So, they told me you can always come to them when you want to and have the time to. In a few days I'm finally introducing my boyfriend to my family because they want to know too, want to come with us? Can take Yunjinnie with you aswell" I nod my head and throw myself in her arms, getting a little happy over the news and how her family members likes me, well my family too but yeah.

"Ofcourse I want to get to know him, Eomma! What is this for a question?" She chuckle and ruffle my hair.

"Then keep that big smile up and I will tell my parents you'll be coming too with Yunjinnie"

"Okay, mommy, you're the best, I love you so much" I say and hug her again, this time tighter than before.

"Aw, I know that I'm the best mommy in the world. And I love you too, baby" she kiss my head a few times and I snuggle my head to her neck more, always finding comfort in my mother's embrace since I'm little and because she always let me snuggle when I need this.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now