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No one's pov

Yunjin just came back into your hospital room because Andy wanted that you stay there a little longer so people can take care of you.

Yunjin had bought some of your favourite sweets and tulips, your favourite flowers

She saw Soobin sitting infront of you on the chair, but holding your hand so she got a little jealous, but she close the door silently and just eavesdrop a little.

"Do you feel better?" Soobin ask you and brush some hair out of your face, kissing your forehead.

He wasn't hiding that he still adores you like he always did, but you don't have something against it because you still like him alot, not loving, but liking.

"Yeah... I guess so" you answer, talking already more to him than you did with Yunjin since yesterday.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come here yesterday, but it's a relief to know you're okay" you only nod your head and he brush his thumb over your hand, looking at you with an adoring gaze.

"You know that Yunjinnie is there for you, why haven't you talked to her about your thoughts and what you're going through?" He ask you.

"I don't want to burden her because she already do enough for me. She helps me with collage, health, caring for me and much more. I just thought... maybe when I'm gone then she dont have such a burden and trouble on her side anymore" you open up to him and cry a little bit.

"But you know, that you're everything to Yunjin. I think it would bother her more if you were gone because she would give herself the fault not being there to protect you. You know how much Yunjin loves you and adores you, Julia, don't think you're a burden to her. You should know that you can talk to her, she's your bestfriend, like a sister to you since you two are little. She's your everything too, isn't she? You two can't be without each other" he tells you and got a little closer to you.

"I know that... but I don't know since yesterday how to talk to her normally knowing that I made her worry so much. She cried, the whole night she stayed with me and I couldn't really do anything except holding her in my arms. I feel sorry, that it put her in so much worry but I really couldn't take it anymore... I don't know how to make it up to her" you say and feel sorry.

Yunjin knock on the door "come inside" you say and Yunjin acts as if she just came inside and peek in.

Soobin stood up and got an excuse to leave so you two are alone "I'll have an schedule soon, so I'll leave now. Keep me on updated how you feel and all" he say and hug you shortly, hugging Yunjin too and then leaves.

Yunjin sit on the chair Soobin was sitting in before and put the tulips in the vase that was empty.

You just stare at her and you could notice that she cried at home too.

You lean a bit over and put your hand on her cheek, caressing it with your thumb and she looks at you.

She let the bag down and took off her shoes, slowly getting on your bed too and lay on you.

(Just like that)

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(Just like that)

"You cried the whole night?" You ask her and she only nod her head.

"I'm sorry, Unnie. I just thought that doing that is the only answer. I didn't thought about how you would feel, how the others feel-" she put her hand on your mouth and close her eyes as she was snuggling to you.

"Don't apologise please. I'm happy you're alive. Just please don't do that again. I'm there for you, you can talk to me. I see you every single day so please talk to me, Julia. Please don't go through something like that alone when you have me" she say and sniffle at the thought of that you wanted to end yourself.

You just feel sorry and nod your head, playing with her hair and she hold her hand over her eyes to hide a little.

"I love you, Julia, and I don't know how I could handle it if you were gone. I would just isolate myself if you weren't here because you're the only person I mostly talk to. You listen to me, you comfort me. So please let me do the same for you" she was honest and you nod your head again.

"I love you too, Unnie" was the only thing you could say to it and she wipe her eyes with your hoodie.

You pat her head and kiss her forehead "I don't ever want to loose you, Julia, never" she shake her head and intertwine her left hand with your right, holding onto it tightly.

She is calming down knowing you're holding her and comfort her "get some sleep, Unnie. I will hold you, I promise" you talk softly and she close her eyes and grip with her right hand onto your hoodie a little bit.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now