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Julia's pov

My friends are driving me home and it's always that I need to sit on someone's lap and this time on sitting on Lia's, and she was also holding me and let me be comfortable.

Soobin also called me because Yunjinnie isn't texting him back for a few days now and he asked me if everything is okay and we also talked about a few other things.

"So you and Soobin really were together? Why not anymore?" Yeji, who is driving us right now, ask.

"He fell out of love after some time, but he was the sweetest the time we were together. No rushing, not going over each others boundaries, respecting each other and all that. It was perfect with him but it's also not his fault that he fell out of love, because he can't decide this. So, we didn't really talked with each other after the break up because yeah it hurted me but I needed my time to move on and that's all. Everything's good between us" I say because they don't really know something between me and Soobin.

"But like, he was an idol the time you two were together. How do you know each other? And how does he know you aren't such an obsessed fan girl?" Lia ask.

"He and Yunjinnie are friends, so I sometimes saw him when he was around and we fell inlove with each other. We only lasted a few months, but I enjoyed the time with him and it was a experience for me because he was my first relationship" I smile a little about the time I had with him.

"About you and Yunjin? Never happened something romantic?" Ryujin ask and I roll my eyes.

"Why are you always asking about Yunjinnie? I made it clear many times that she is my bestfriend, Ryujinnie. If you want to know I'm right then you can ask her after she comes home from work" I say and slap her shoulder because she sits infront of me in the passenger seat.

"Come on, you two have a connection that bestfriends don't have"

"Ughhh, you're lying. You and Yeji Unnie are different too. You two are bestfriends but act like girlfriends. I'm not doing this with Yunjin" I say and point at them, both of them smiling.

"Because we enjoy the time we have together"

"So you want to say I don't enjoy the time I have with Yunjin Unnie?" I ask Ryujinnie.

"That's not what i meant. We don't care what people think of us, you shouldn't too it's just I like to tease you about it. Your reaction is cute. But let's be honest, you two look really really cute together. Would you date her?" Ryujin ask and I lean back on Lia.

"Yunjin and I don't care too what people think, but you really ask all the time we see each other if we are girlfriends and it's annoying, also Yunjin thinks that it will change something between me and her when people think that. I never thought about dating her so I don't know. I'm happy how it is right now between me and Yunjin and that's all" I say because the time I have with Yunjin is always fun and sometimes we do things like we are little kids because it's fun.

"So things are a little changing between you two right now?" Chaeryeong ask.

"Just a little. We were affectionate when we were little till she got picked on in school and she stopped all of that. I was always affectionate with her, even if she stopped it. And now she is slowly getting comfortable again and gets affectionate with me too, from her side. 3 days ago when she had my lip prints on her face she wanted to sleep and when I got up after a few hours she was sleeping in my room, and this happened the last time when we were around 11 and 12, being neighbours and friends because our parents are close with each other too, especially our mothers because they're bestfriends now too. She is opening up a little more too and I'm proud and happy that she does this"

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now