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Yunjin's pov

I went home after working and it's now 7pm and I'm so tired that I just want to go to sleep.

I just make my way upstairs and see Julia's bedroom door open, so I peek in but don't see her, so I guess she's in the bathroom, my room, at her moms house or at one of her friends house.

I received a call so I get my phone out my pants pocket and see that it's one of her friends that I gave my number to, seeing that she called me multiple times.

I accept it and put it on my ear "Unnie, is Julia home by now?" Yuna ask me.

"No, she isn't home, also didn't texted me that she is somewhere. Why?" I ask her and put my bag on my chair in my room.

"After school she said she's going out on a walk and want ti be alone, but she's not reacting ti any message we send her. I'm scared something happened to her"

"What do you mean she's not reacting to any messages?" I ask her.

"I told her to text me or atleast in the group chat when she's home, but she haven't said anything or text or call any of us back. We're worried" she say and I see a note on my nightstand table.

"Wait, I think she wrote me a note. Atleast there is one on my nightstand table" I say and sit on my bed, putting the call on speaker and put it beside me.

I take the note and it's definitely Julia's handwriting, but it starts with a "I'm sorry, Yunjinnie" what worries me.

'I'm sorry, Yunjinnie... but I really, really can't take the hate I get from Aliyah and my dad anymore. I fought the urge all the time but this is the last straw, they keep texting me, harassing me over text... tell me I should go and die and its enough for me now. I know... I promised to be with you forever, to marry you when we're 29 and 30, but I just can't take it anymore. I'm sorry that I was always a burden to you, that I was always the reason of our fights we had. I hope that you will find the one who will treat you right and with all the love you deserve. You'll always be my bestfriend, the best big sister to me no matter what, and I love you the way you are. My phone is somewhere in my bedroom so no one can track me or something and so I won't be able to see any calls or texts. I hope you can move on from every stress I gave you.

I love you<3'

I read the letter for myself and start to cry, noticing that she probably just took her own life by the time I was at work, and I didn't noticed anything.

"Wait... Yuna, I-I need to call Julia's mother real fast, okay?" I ask, but end the call and immediately call Julia's mom.

"Hey Yunjinnie" she say in a happy tone, but she won't be just in a few days. .

"Mom.. Julia is missing for the whole day and she.. she left a letter for me that she'll be gone. We need to report this to the police please. I'm scared she took her life or something because t-the letter looks l-like she wrote it and then left. She even left her phone here so no one can track her or that she can't accept any calls or something. I'm scared and worried, can you please come over?" I ask her and there was the silence that took over just now.

"So... y-you want to tell me, my daughter, my babygirl, took her life?" She ask me and I get my hand through my hair.

"I don't want to think about it... but I think she did or is trying to... we need to report it to the police please. I don't want her to leave, she means so much to me, I can't loose her, mom" I say and stood up to get ready and look for her outside.

But well my doorbell already rang and I just hope it's Julia who changed her mind.

I rush downstairs and open the frontdoor, seeing Julia's friends standing there, looking worried.

I hand them the letter and close the door.

"I really don't know w-what to say right now...." her mother say and I put her on speaker.

"I understand, mom.. I will drive around and try to look for her while you please tell the police about it so they look around for her too please. I want to make sure she's okay please. I love her too much, I really can't bare to loose her" I say and get my car keys to drive around the places Julia likes to go sometimes when somethings overwhelming her.

"Please stay here, her mom will probably come over and I will look for Julia.." I say and get outside to my car.

No one's pov

Yunjin sit down in her car and throw things around it, breaking the things she broke and she breaks down from crying, putting her head on the stirring wheel, hitting the honk multiple times while sobbing hardly.

The girls hear this long and loud honk, so they rush to the window and see Yunjin having a breakdown inside her car.

The police knows about it now and is looking around, tomorrow will be coming a report of you being missed and a picture of you and some informations about you so if people might see you to report it to the police immediately.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now