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Julia's pov

I'm making my way into Yunjin's room because my ex boyfriend texted me through a new number to meet up and to talk.

So I just open her room and noticed she just got out the shower and is wearing her tshirt and just boxers, but we both don't really mind walking around in underwear.

"The next time knock, because I could've done everything behind the doors, Julia" she warns me a little.

"Yes, I'm sorry. My ex texted me" I say and put my phone in her hand to let her read the chat.

"He wants to meet at the park? Wasn't it the park you two had your first date?" She ask and give me my phone back.

"Yes, and i want you to go with me please. Some emotional support for me" I say and she nod her head.

"Okay, I can come with you, but I need to get dressed first. Did he told you a time already?"

"Yeah, 2pm" I tell her and got up to leave her room so she can get dressed.

Yunjin had parked the car now infront of the park and we got out, but she will take a little distance so I can talk to Soobin alone first.

I saw him sitting on a bench and he smiles a little at me, and I do too because I missed him a little.

I stand infront of him and he stand up too, now I need to look up because he is so tall.

"Hey" he says and scratch the back of his neck.

"Hey, you want to talk?" I ask him.

"Yeah well, maybe at your house? I think I'm more comfortable there because we're in public right now, and you know, dispatch and all?" I nod my head.

"Yeah, let's go to my house and talk there privately" I say and we make our way to Yunjin's car.

Aliyah's pov

I'm sitting on the front porch of my older sister because it seems like she isn't home right now.

She once texted me her address so I just came from America to Korea and maybe start a life here aswell just like Julia did a few years ago.

A group of 5 girls walk to the porch too and stood infront of me "Um, who are you?" One of the girls said, being really pretty.

My parents raised me and Julia bilingual so we can talk in English and Korean because our grandparents from mom's side live here still.

"Julia's little sister. I'm waiting for her here" I stood up and bow at them.

"No wonder, you look so much like Julia" I nod my head and smile.

"Yeah, I do. Many people in America thought we are twins, but she is one year older than me" I tell them, mostly looking at the girl with short hair because she is so attractive.

Julia's pov

We got out of the car and I see my friends at mine and Yunjin's house.

Soobin was walking beside me while Yunjin walked infront of us to our house to open it.

"Yah, Huh Jennifer" I could hear my sister.

"Kang Aliyah, whatever you do here, maybe you're not welcomed inside" Yunjin said and I laugh.

"Omg, Soobin from TXT?" Aliyah ask and I just shake my head.

"I didn't know you're friends with Soobin, Unnie. Wah, this is so cool" Aliyah said and they all got inside the house.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now