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Yunjin's pov

I'm going to the cafe that I'm meeting at with this Sieun girl and Julia will come inside a little after, being covered up when she comes in so she won't be recognisable for the girl.

I order my iced coffee and wait a little, seeing Julia coming inside.

I get my iced coffee and make my way to Sieun's table, she texted me where she is sitting and I'm a little nervous to meet her.

She smiles at me when I sat down infront of her, so I just smile back out of courtesy.

"So, you want to get to know me too?" She ask, smirking and sounding like she wants to seduce someone.

"Ah, yeah, I want to give it a try and start dating someday" I tell her honestly and take a sip of my coffee.

She got up and sits down beside me, making me more nervous now that she's so close to me.

"How old are you, Yunjin?" She ask, brushing her hand over mine.

I get my hand a little away and look a little down "20, and you?"

"Wah, 20 and so beautiful. I'm 23, I hope its okay for you" she said and I nod.

"I guess so" I say, I really couldn't look at her.

"So, you still go to school and live with your parents?"

"No, I'm working and live with my bestfriend together and she still goes to school. I'm paying everything for me and her because when she have her dream job she gets more money and will pay more rent than I do to kinda pay me back, those two years we've been living in korea now" i say.

She put her hand under my chin and turn my head to look at her, brushing her thumb over my bottom lip, making me a little uncomfortable.

"Maybe you live with me then? I can give you everything you want or need" she let her hand go down to my chest and leave her hand on my thigh, really close to my crotch.

I look around and see that Julia was making her way to us, I'm sure she noticed that I'm feeling really uncomfortable.

She sit down infront of us and Sieun looks st her "who are you and why are you covered? Are you an idol or something?" Sieun ask, her hand now over my crotch and I feel like I can't move anymore.

I look at Julia and she get the hood down, cap off and mask off her, putting them infront of us.

"You asked me if I could give your number to my bestfriend" Julia stated.

"Then why are you here on mine and Yunjin's date?"

"To make sure if you're the right one or not, but you definitely aren't" Julia said with a smile and got up, grabbing her mask and cap and stand beside me.

She put Sieun's hand away from my crotch and help me up because I couldn't really move my myself.

"Don't you dare touch her again or I will break your hand" she said and then leave with me.

When we got outside she pulled me in a really tight hug, that's when I started to cry.

"Sorry, I-I don't know how to handle this or something. I got so uncomfortable that I don't know how to say something or do something..." I say against her neck and wrap my arms around her back.

"No, don't apologise. It's not your fault and I understand why you suddenly got into a frozen state. She shouldn't have touched you, not your lips, arm or your crotch. That this bitch didn't even noticed that you're uncomfortable. Let's go home, Unnie. Let's get you calmed down" she say.

This cafe is near our house so we can just walk there, so this will be a little walk to calm me down from what just happened.

She open the door for us and I go in "it's not your fault, Julia, but this is a reason why I really don't want to date someone right now. She's 23 and so immature for her age that she touches me without any consent... you know what I mean? I want to give it some time and wait for the right girl to come into my life" I tell her and she close the door.

She stood infront of me and put her arms on my shoulders, so I got a hold onto her waist and really want to pull her closer and just kiss her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel pressured or forced to go on a date with one of them" she said and brush her thumbs a little over my skin.

"No, its okay. I gave it a try and that's it, knowing that I just wait till the right time comes" I say and squeeze her waist a little.

"Can we go and cuddle, Unnie?" She ask and I just nod my head, getting her up in my arms and carry her bridal style up into my room and she just giggles, wrapping her arms around my nape.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now