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Julia's pov

It's after school and I'm at my moms and Andy's house now to talk about what happened, because my friends would just tease me when I tell them I slept with Yunjin, and I feel comfortable talking with my mom about it because she's like a bestfriend too.

So, we are sitting in the livingroom and Andy was feeding Luis with the baby food that's in the bottle.

Mom walk back with drinks and sit down beside me, so I took a sip and it was cola, but I'm fine with it.

"So, you said you're here to talk, what do you want to talk about?" Mom ask and I put the glass back on the table.

"Um, I went to a club with my friends, Yunjin Unnie and her friends and... some things got heated between me and Yunjin after hours because we were drunk and we had... sex. Like, our friends didn't stop us making out in the club, and we somehow made it home, walking home, and did it. It's not like I didn't liked it or something but, I just really don't know how I am feeling. I don't know if I have feelings, or if I just enjoyed it with her because like she is overthinking too much about it. She thought I would hate her because we had sex, thinking it would be awkward between us and she seemed sad being honest with me because she also felt bad that it happened, because I told her that I wanted to have my first time with my partner when I have one, but I didn't care at the moment because I trust Yunjin enough, and it's better being her than any stranger from the club, and that was also what I told her. Well, I know Yunjin would've made sure I don't have fun with a stranger, but we all don't really know what happen when we are drunk. That's all" I say and my mother and Andy looked a little shocked at me and I grab my glass and took some sips.

I lean back and just think about it.

"First of all, did you used protection or something?" Mom ask and I shake my head "I took birth control after that because Yunjin is literally innocent, she don't have condoms anywhere and I don't either. Eomma, you know what happened in school with her, she's not experienced in anything"

"Okay that's something atleast. Do you know if Yunjinnie have a crush?" Mom ask and cup my cheeks.

"I mean we talk every day, but I don't know if she have a crush on someone. She was on a date a few days ago because well we go to the club often together and some girls hitted on her. They gave me their numbers and i told Yunjin about it and she wanted to try and then the girl started to touch her on her private part and I stepped in because it was making her uncomfortable and I know when Yunjin is uncomfortable. We went home then and I comforted her and all. She said she don't want to date and that it have a reason" I say.

"Did you ever noticed how she treats you?" She ask me and I raise my eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask.

"The last time you two been so close was when you were kids. You two look even closer now. How is she treating you?" She ask again.

"Well, she is treating me good. She worries about me, she takes care of me, she check up on me so I won't sleep late, because I have exams soon and she said learning till night and waking up at 6 isn't good so she will make a plan for me, she is helping me alot and we cuddle when I want to cuddle, I'm allowed to sit on her lap because we both don't mind and yeah, that's all that happened the few months now" I tell her and I look at her.

"Don't you think that she maybe have feelings for you? She don't want to date someone, she is only close to you and takes so much care about you. She is literally putting all her love and attention on you, Julia. You should confront her to know, just don't think her differently when you think about how to confront her, because she notice and might think she did something wrong, we both know how Yunjinnie is" she brush my hair back and I'm thinking about it.

I don't know, if I love you too (g!p H. YJ x female reader)[ Kang Julia] Where stories live. Discover now