Chapter 2

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Olivia's POV

I walk out the house and make my way towards my car. It's too early to be up but being a doctor doesn't let you sleep.

As I'm walking to my car I hear noises from the bushes which causes me to groan, "What are you doing here?"

I turn around and Garrett walks up to me with a smile, "Your mom wanted me home early."

"Yeah but what are you doing here? Mama left with Mom to go restock drinks at the club."

Mama sent Garrett to Italy to take care of some stuff. He wouldn't agree at first because he was worried about her safety but after some convincing he left for two weeks.

It was supposed to be three but I guess he got done early.

Garrett steps forward, "I thought maybe you would want to know how a certain someone is doing."

I turn back around and walk towards my car, "Nope. I don't want to know anything."

He walks fast to catch up to me and grabs my arm, "What happened between you two? She's a mess. She's been a mess for a while now."

I get out of his hold, "Want a ride to the club?" I ask ignoring what he said.

Garrett nods and follows behind me. He goes to my side of the car and opens the door for me and then gets in himself. I start driving and not daring to glance at him.

"She misses you." Garrett says, breaking the silence.

I don't care. I bite my tongue not to throw insults at her. No one knows and no one can know.

"Friends grow apart Gary, we're just focusing on ourselves at the moment."

"Friends?" He asks. I glance at him and he smirks with a knowing look.

My hands tighten around the steering wheel, "You're annoying."

"She hasn't been the same ever since you moved back. I've never seen her so out of control."

"I don't care." I mumble and glance at him.

Garrett clears his throat, "You moved to Italy, you studied there, you two spent every day together don't tell me you don't care because you do."

"I don't care." I repeat myself again.

"I only saw her once during my trip. It was like she was physically there but her mind was a thousand miles away."

We get to the club and I stop the car and look at him, "Drop it. Whatever happened or whatever did not happened is all her fault. She did this and as far as I'm concerned she can rot in the grave she dig for herself."

He looks at me curiously and I groan, "Why do you even care so much?"

Garrett shrugs, "Because I saw the way you two looked at each other."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath.


I woke up to her kissing me. Slowly. All over. For a second, she paused.

"I'm going to keep kissing you until you wake up." Sofia warned.

With my eyes still closed, I smiled and told her, "I guess you'll have to keep kissing me forever because I'm not waking up."

And without hesitation, she said, "Okay." As if the thought of forever didn't scare her at all. As if kissing me was all she wanted for the rest of her life. Sofia kept kissing me. Slowly. All over.

She whispered, "I will kiss and love you forever."

End of flashback

I open my eyes, "Let it go Gary. We were just friends and our interests in life changed so we both decided that we shouldn't continue being friends. And I moved back to be with my family."

Garrett's eyes soften, he slowly nods and gets out the car. I sigh and get out the car too following him.

We walk into the club and on our way to Mama's office we see Joe and we simply smile at him.

I knock on the office door and then open it. We both step inside. I smile when I see Mama typing on the computer.

When she sees us Mama walks to Garrett and they do their weird handshake.

"Did you handle everything?" She asks him and he nods.

"Don't you have work, sweetie?" She asks.

I walk to her and hug her. That takes her by surprise for a second but then she hugs me back tighter.

"Are you okay?" She asks while hugging me.

I pull back, "Mmm I was just dropping Garrett off and wanted to say hi before leaving."

Mama nods unsurely and glances at Garrett. Before I can leave the office she stops me.

"Aunt Hazel and Kai are coming tomorrow and we're gonna have a family dinner so don't be late."

I immediately smile I love when they fly out and spend time with us. Aunt Hazel and Mom together drive Aunt Kai and Mama crazy and it's the best thing to witness.

"They're coming with Sofia." Mama adds and I try not to frown hearing her name. I was in the car with Garrett for like 10 minutes and he failed to mention that.

I glare at him and he quickly looks away. Her name used to bring butterflies to my stomach but now bad memories have replaced it.

"I can't come I'm going out of town."

She gives me a look which says she knows I'm lying.

"Your Mom said you have to come."

"Well does Mom know you were the one who broke her favorite vase?" I ask with a smug face.

She narrows her eyes, "That was an accident."

"What about my favorite vase?" Mom all of a sudden asks coming inside the office.

Mama looks at me with betrayal and I try not to smile.

"Nothing cute eyes I was just telling our lovely daughter here how I want to get you a new vase since the other one broke." She's so whipped.

Mom nods and kisses Mama on the cheek.

"Did your Mom tell you about tomorrow?" She asks.

"Yeah about that-"

"She's doing something for me cute eyes she can't make it." Mama cuts me off and says.

I smile at her. She always has my back. No one knows what happened between Sofia and I but some days It seems like Mama knows she's just waiting for me to tell her.

Mom glares at her, "Hazel and I wanted everyone to be here, we have something to announce."

Mamas eyes widen, "Oh god is one of you pregnant? I can't take having another child."

Mom glares at her even harder and I chuckle, "Sweetheart how exactly would I be pregnant?"

"Mmm good point."

Mom chuckles and brings her whole attention to Mama, "Can I borrow the Mercedes tomorrow?"

It's so entertaining to watch my parents talk to each other. You can always see the love they have for one another through the little stuff they do. Like how Mama is looking at Mom right now.

"Baby I've told you to stop asking. Anything that I have is yours."

Mom sighs, "I know I know but you love your cars."

Mama grabs her waist, "I don't love them more than you."

"Okay okay too much cuteness my heart can't take it. I'm leaving." I glance at Garrett and he looks away again. Hmm he's up to something and no one can put him up to something expect Mama.

"At least try to stop by." Mom pleads.

I turn around, "We'll see." With that I walk out and quickly go out the club.

No matter how hard I try to runaway, Sofia always somehow catches up to me.

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