Chapter 20

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Olivia's POV

"You have got to be kidding me." Aunt Kai raises her voice slightly at Sofia.

"We're fine nothing happened." Sofia whispers.

Aunt Kai groans, "You snuck into her house without backup."

Aunt Hazel slowly walks up to her wife and pulls her back gently, "Calm down."

"It wasn't really Sofia's idea it was mine."

They both glance at me and Aunt Kai takes a deep breath, "How long has this been going on?"

"Umm since two years ago. I only signed the divorce papers because I was worried about Olivia."

"Can we just watch the video on the flash drive?"

Aunt Hazel nods, "Yeah everyone just calm down. I'm specifically speaking to you Kai."

She groans, "Tesoro, do you realize what situation we're in? They broke into her house without telling anyone. They could have been hurt."

"They're fine aren't they? Baby let's just listen."

Aunt Kai doesn't really seem to like the idea of calming down right now but with her wife glaring at her she nods and grabs her laptop.

Sofia grabs the laptop from her and opens it. She connects the flash drive and quickly downloads the file. The video isn't long, it's twenty seconds but after we're done watching it Sofia throws the laptop against the wall.

"Sofia, really?" I ask in disbelief.

"What? Did seeing your boyfriend on it make you upset?"

I walk up to her, "Roman is not my boyfriend."

"Yeah yeah how was the coffee date?"

"Sofia that's enough." Aunt Hazel warns.

I step even closer to her, "We didn't go on a coffee date and you know that. Why are you acting like this?"

She ignores me and looks at Aunt Kai, "Is the woman in the video Donna?"

"Yeah, it's her."

In the video Donna and Roman walk in and they just stand there talking. Sofia and I were literally sleep in the next room but they don't do anything. They look around and then they leave.

I'm guessing they only broke in to scare us. Or more specifically Sofia.

"I'm sorry Ma I should have told you sooner." Sofia says.

"Cupcake, just stay low. I'll take care of it but until then you need to pretend like you don't know anything."

"And you Olivia put your crazy ideas aside." Aunt Hazel adds.

I step away from Sofia, "I promise I won't do anything. Do you want me to call my parents?"

"No it's okay I'll call Megan myself."

I nod and sit on the couch. Sofia talks to her parents for a little while longer and then her parents leave.

Sofia glances at me and then walks and sits the next to me, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to lose my cool."

I look away from her, "Okay."

She grabs my my face and makes look at her, "Liv, I signed those papers two years ago because I was scared. I was scared that you're going to get hurt. It makes me furious that Roman was behind this."

"And you're taking it out on me?"

Sofia shakes her head no, "I'm jealous."

"Why are you jealous? I'm yours."

She frowns, "You aren't, that's the problem. You're not mine."

I sigh, "Ask me."

She tilts her head, "What?"

"Ask me to be your girlfriend."

Her eyes brighten up, "Per favore sii la mia ragazza."

I move over and straddle her lap, "I would love to be your girlfriend."

Sofia brings her face closer to me and captures my lips with her own. The kiss is slow, she's taking her time exploring my mouth. I bite her bottom lip and she moans.

I break the kiss and smile at her, "Don't ever break my heart again."

Sofia wraps her arms around my waist and brings me closer to her, "I'm never letting you go again. We're gonna get through this and find out what they're doing and then you and I are gonna live an amazing life together."

I hum and kiss her nose, "One more thing."

"Yes, love."

I smirk, "I would like my wedding ring back please."

One of Sofia's hands leaves my waist and she grabs my throat gently, "You mean it? You're all in again."

"I was never out of it. I mean if you gave the ring to another girl it's okay."

She squeezes my neck slightly, "You're the only girl in the world that I will put a ring on."

"Good, you're mine and you're gonna be mine forever. And next time even if you fake cheat I'm leaving and you will never see me again."

Her hand leaves my neck and she puts it on my waist again, "Deal."

I bring my hand up and grab her face, "Say it." Sofia knows exactly what I'm asking for.

"I love you." She whispers.

I let go of her face and throw my arms around her neck, hugging her. Sofia squeezes me so hard that it makes chuckle.

"I love you too."

Sofia's body tenses up, she pulls away from the hug and looks at me dumbfounded, "What did you just say?"

I smile at her, "I love you Sof, I never stopped loving you."

"Say it again."

I peck her lips, "I love you so much."

Her hand goes over her heart, "You're gonna give me a heart attack."

I grind down on her lap, "Or a boner."

Sofia groans, "Love, don't mess with me."

I laugh, "I'm not messing with you."

I move off of her lap and smirk at her. There's so much lust in her eyes that for a second I regret turning her on.

Sofia gets off the couch and stands in front of me.

"Wait wait I'm sorry." I immediately say.

She reaches her hand out, "Come on my love, let's get out of here."

I gulp and grab her hand, standing up, "I was kidding, Sof."

Sofia chuckles, "Liv, are you saying you're not gonna finish what you started?"

She intertwines our fingers and we start walking out of her parents house.

"I'm not saying no such thing."

Sofia opens the car door for me, "You seem nervous, love."

I get in and look at her, "Me? Nervous? No, never."

She bites her lip to hide her smile but fails miserably, "Okay then, let's go back to the penthouse."

She closes my door and I take a deep breath in. Damn it she's right I'm nervous. It's been two years since we've had sex and she can be rough at times.

Not that I don't enjoy the roughness but I have the right to be a little nervous.

Sofia gets in the car and starts driving. She glances at me, "I was kidding Liv, we don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

I put my hand on her thigh, "Oh I want a lot of things tonight."

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