Chapter 6

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Olivia's POV

"How long are we staying here?" I ask Mom.

She sits on the bed, "Probably a week and a half maybe two."

I pout slightly, "I want to go home."

Mom looks at me with concern ridden all over her face, "Honey, we got here yesterday and you haven't left your room once."

"I don't feel like doing anything."

She looks at me unsure, "Hazel wants to talk to you."

I have nothing against Aunt Hazel and Kai, they didn't do anything so I just nod. Mom kisses my cheek, "I love you sweetie and I'm always here for you."

I smile at her, "I know. I love you too."

She returns the smile and then gets up leaving the room. I slowly get out of bed and stretch. I wonder what she wants to talk about.

I quickly put my hair up and start walking out. It's about 11 in the morning. It's our second day here and to be honest I haven't really spoken to anyone.

I look around the living room and I don't see her so I go to check the backyard. I see her sitting down on one of the chairs alone and walk up to her.

"Hey Aunt Hazel, did you need something?

She smiles and points at the chair next to her. I take a seat and wait for her to say something. She's drinking coffee.

"How are you doing, sweetie?"

"Good, I'm mostly focusing on my job nowadays."

She nods knowingly, "You don't come to Italy anymore."

I break eye contact, "I've just been busy."

Aunt Hazel hums, "One of the reasons we came here for is that we have a party that we need to attend to for work."

I look back at her and she continues, "Kai and I just want to relax with your parents that's why we brought Sofia. We want you two to go to the party."

I choke on air, "What?"

"We want the both of you to attend the party. It's in two days and you don't have to stay long."

I can't say no to her, I owe her. They took care of me in Italy.

"Okay, I'll go with her." I force the words out of my mouth.

She grabs my hand and squeezes, "Thank you, Olivia."

She smiles and gets up leaving the backyard. This whole trip is stupid. It's not gonna solve anything. It feels like all of them are planning something behind Sofia and I's back. I'm looking ahead lost in my thoughs until I hear footsteps. I turn my head and Sofia walks to me.

I groan, "Why are you everywhere?"

Sofia doesn't answer me and sits in front of me. For the first time in two years I really look at her. She looks so sad and it breaks my heart. Even after two years I still care about her. There's just something about the person you give all your firsts to.

"You're the one that wanted a divorce not me."

She doesn't say anything which makes me mad. Maybe we shouldn't have tied the knot that early. We eloped after two years of dating. Everything started going downhill after that. We were still so young.

"For gods sake Sofia we were only married for three months before I walked in on you cheating on me." I slightly raise my voice.

She looks like she is going to physically be sick when I mention that.

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