Chapter 26

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Sofia's POV

"Would you lay back down or do you want me to hold you down?" Aunt Megan groans towards Garrett.

"You can definitely try Megan."

She narrows her eyes at him and I hold back my laugh. First she started crying when she saw he was awake, then he started getting teary eyed but as he puts it something got in his eye and then after that they started bickering.

Now that everyone is in good shape Ma and Aunt Megan are probably gonna start strategizing and I want to help but before that I need to talk to Carter first.

I turn my head and look at her slightly smiling by the door. I take the chance of no one looking at us and quickly grab her hand and slip out the room.

I take us farther down the hallway and stop when I'm sure no one can hear us.

"Did you get checked out?"

She smiles, "Your now fiancé asked me the same question."

I narrow my eyes, "You didn't get checked out."

There's no point in her lying to me because I know her too well so she nods her head a little, "All of these doctors work for our family they would tell my parents within a heartbeat."

"Sunshine you're sick. You need your family." I whisper.

"There is no helping me Sof. You tried and I don't want false hope."

I sigh, she doesn't listen. But she's right I did try to help. I did everything I could but I can't help her.

"Well do you want me to get you new inhalers?"

Carter smiles again, "Sure, Sof."

I open my arms for her to hug me and in a blink of an eye she's in my arms. I hold on to her tight.

"You know it's okay to cry, sunshine. You can put up an act with other people but you can let go with me."

She releases a shaky breath, "It's not the aftermath that scares me it's leaving everyone I love."

I squeezes her harder and try not to groan in pain because of the bullet wounds, "Don't give up Carter. I won't let you."

She pulls back and I can see the tears building up in her eye, "Damn you Sof. Why do you have to always be there for everyone?"

I smile, "Because I love the people around me."

Carter wipes her eye and for the first time in a really long time she genuinely smiles, "Well then Sofia Xavier we'll see this thing through the end. No giving up."

I bring up my hand and high five her, "That's what I like to hear, sunshine."

"You wanna go get food?" Carter asks.

"Yeah but not hospital food. Let's go down the street."

She giggles happily and starts leading us out the hospital. If Olivia finds out we left she'll probably kill me but right now in this moment Carter needs me.

"You know I could get you a job in the mafia. You would start making a big income right away."

Carter laughs, "So I could get shot? No thank you."

"It would be a desk job." I tell her.

She shake her head no, "This isn't the life for me. I want to be a regular person and work at a coffee shop or something."

I nod, "The offer stands at anytime."

"Thank you Sof but I won't need it."

We step outside of the hospital and the hot morning makes me smile. Getting shot honestly sucks. You learn not to take the little things for granted.

Just as we start walking down the street a woman bumps into me and I bite my lip not to scream in pain.

Carter immediately grabs my shoulder and makes sure I don't bend down. I take a deep breath and nod at her letting her know I'm okay.

A piece of paper has fallen on the ground and Carter bends down and grabs. The woman is long gone by the time we both look around.

"What the hell?"

"She was pretty wasn't she?" Carter asks in a awe state.

I roll my eyes, "Of course all you saw was her ass and not her face."

Carter shrugs, "She actually had nice boobs too, don't you think?"

I laugh, "Sunshine, I'm literally dating your sister."

"Nice boobs can be appreciated by everyone."

I shake my head at her childish behavior, "Yeah and then your sister would shoot me."

"It's your lost. She had a weird snake tattoo too."

My eyes widen and I look at the paper in her hand. I snatch it and look at it.

"You can find them here." I read aloud the paper, there's also an address on it.

"Well you have an admirer. Don't tell my sister or she will walk into that poor woman's house guns blazing."

I look around to try to spot her but nothing, "I don't think she classifies as a poor woman and I don't think Olivia would be the only one going in there guns blazing."

Carter tilts her head, "Are you okay? You sound crazy."

I start walking back into the hospital, "That's the girl that shot Garrett."

She runs after me following me into the hospital, "What!? Why didn't she try killing you?"

I start walking up the stairs, "Because I'm guessing she doesn't want to be a part of this."

Once we reach the floor everyone is on I immediately make eye contact with Olivia. She narrows her eyes at me and I gulp.

We start walking towards her and I hide the piece paper in my pocket, "Hey love."

"Where did you go?" She asks.


Olivia raises her eyebrow, "You both went to the bathroom? Together?"

Carter nods, "Yeah Sofia didn't know where it was."

I know she doesn't believe us but she grabs my hand anyway and starts leading me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

She kisses the side of my cheek, "You're gonna like it."

I smile and let her lead me to whenever we're going. I guess I have to give the paper to my mom later.

Olivia walks past several rooms and then looks around before opening one. It's a storage room but there's a bed inside. She pushes me inside and locks the door.

"You know if you want to kill me there's easier ways." I laugh nervously not knowing where this is going.

"Go sit on the bed." She points and I follow her command and sit.

She sits at the end of the bed and crawls up my body and then it clicks what she's doing so I grab her and bring her to me.

She straddles my lap and I crash my lips on to hers. Olivia's lips are rough against mine, I couldn't help but moan in pleasure as she pressed her body against mine.

My hands starts roaming over her curves and butt and I pull her even closer to me. Just as I reach for her shirt she stops me and breaks the kiss.

"Let me do all the work I don't want you to get hurt."

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