Chapter 17

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Here's the double update everyone wanted :)

Olivia's POV

Sofia looks at me confused but calmly gets up, "Let's pick this up tomorrow everyone."

Everyone quickly gets up and leaves the room, giving me terrified glances.

"You're an ass." I raise my voice at her.

Sofia frowns, "Don't shoot me please. It hurts."

I walk up to her and slap her, "You faked it."

She holds her face, "Ouch love, I don't know what you're talking about."

"You didn't cheat on me."

She stops rubbing her face, "I-"

I pin her to the wall and press the gun to her heart, "Don't you fucking lie to me. Don't you dare lie to me."

Sofia glances at the gun and then looks back at me, "You're talking nonsense."

Tears start rolling down my cheeks and I point the gun at my own head. This quickly grabs her attention and in a blink of an eye she reaches for her own gun and points it at her own head.

"I saw the video from our security cameras. Don't lie to me."

"Put the gun down." She gently says.

I shake my head no, "Tell me the truth."

The gun in her hand starts to shake and she drops it. Then she quickly grabs my hand and makes me drop my gun.

Sofia looks around, "Not here. Come with me."

She grabs my arm and drags me out of the conference room. She walks into an office and closes the door and locks it. She sits down on the couch and I sit opposite of her.

"Forgive me, little devil. I love you so much I did what I thought was best."

A sob breaks out of me, "Two years. You made me hate you for two years."

She kneels down in front of me and grabs my hands, "They had a gun to your families head. I had to Olivia."

I look into her eyes and they're filled with tears. I wipe my own tears with my shoulder, "You could have told me. We would have got through it together."

"Listen to me for a second." She begs.

I take a deep breath and wait for her to go on.

"Do you remember the car accident that Carter got into?"

I nod, "It was right after my parents got her a new car."

Sofia gets up from the ground and sits next to me still holding my hand, "That wasn't really an accident."

"That can't be true."

Sofia's eyes soften, "Remember when I told you we should get our own place? Sure I wanted to live with you but that wasn't the only reason."

I calm my racing heart and really listen to what she's saying.

"They were in my house Liv, they were there when you and I were sleeping."

I frown, "You could have told me that."

She sighs, "I was going to but I got a call. Carter ditches her security a lot which means she's alone most of the time. They were seconds away from killing your sister."

"You just believed everything? They could have been bluffing." I raise my voice.

"They sent pictures." She whispers.

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