Chapter 24

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Olivia's POV

I watch as her chest rises and falls. My eyes hurt so bad from crying. I walk away without a scratch and she gets two bullets.

Carter is sitting next to me holding my hand. My head feels likes it's going to explode. I finally look away from her when I hear footsteps.

Aunt Hazel and Kai walk in. They glance at me and Aunt Hazel squeezes my shoulder, "She's gonna be fine."

I don't know if she's trying to convince me or herself but the way her voice broke and the way her eyes are puffy tells me that she doesn't even believe that.

"How are my parents?" I ask them. They've been acting a little weird with each other ever since they got here.

Aunt Kai opens her mouth to answer me but the sound of their voices stop her.

"Avery I'm gonna lose my shit leave me alone for one fucking second." Mama yells.

I wince. I've never heard her call Mom by her name and she's never raised her voice at her.

"You're hurting sweetheart, let me in."

I sigh, walking out the room and everyone follows me.

"Why are you everywhere? You're driving me crazy." A sob breaks out of Mama.

Once they come in to view my heart breaks for them. Mama looks miserable and Mom looks defeated.

Mom tries holding her hand but Mama pulls away.

Aunt Kai seems to sense something because she immediately goes to Mama and grabs her.

"Let me go." She screams.

Aunt Kai slams her against the wall, "Tu la ami quindi calmati."

"He's my person." She whispers.

"And he still is. He's right here with you." Aunt Kai points to her heart.

Mama glances at Mom and then at us. Her eyes start watering.

"Go get fresh air. If there's any news on him you'll be the first person to know." Aunt Kai tells her.

Mama nods and without looking at anyone walks down the hallway and away from us.

Aunt Hazel walks to Mom and hugs her. Mom breaks into tears and I look away not being able to look at her sadness.

"Did you get checked out?" I ask Carter.

She nods, "Yeah I'm fine."

"You couldn't breath."

"I was just shocked." She replies.

I grab her and hug her, "Okay, I love you."

She hugs me tighter, "I love you too, Liv."

I kiss the side of her head and she squeezes me tighter if that was even possible.

"They never fight." Carter whispers in my ear, sounding sad.

I rub her back, "I know but it's okay. Mama's just going through a hard time."

We pull back after a few seconds and she nods unsure. I motion for her to go to Mom and she does. I look at Sofia's room one last time before I start going the way Mama went.

I understand why she's so angry and emotional. Garrett's in surgery but it's not looking good. He went through surgery once but when he came out, an hour later he had internal bleeding so he's in surgery again.

I was able to get the bullet out of him while we were driving here though.

Sofia wouldn't let me help her until I helped Garrett. For a second I thought there was no heartbeat but once I checked, it was there but just really faint.

Her please are still stuck in my head.

"Please," She begged, "Please stop his bleeding first."

She passed out from the pain before we got to the hospital. She's been out of surgery for a few hours now and the doctors don't know when she's gonna wake up.

I honestly think it was a miracle that we made it out of there. Carter got into the front seat and drove the car to block the bullets with it so we could all get in. We got really lucky.

Aunt Kai and Mama haven't dared talk about any strategies. They're both not in a good place and there's nothing we can do.

I take a deep breath once I step outside. I look around and see Mama sitting down on the sidewalk curb.

I walk to her and sit next to her. She doesn't say anything at first so I wait. I hear her sigh after a few seconds, "Sorry for yelling at your mom."

"Don't apologize please. He got shot because of me. He stood in front of the bullet for me."

I feel her eyes on me but I don't dare to look at her. Garrett is her best friend, they're so attached together.

She grabs my face and makes me look at her, "Sweetie, Garrett loves you and I'm sure he would do it again in a heartbeat."

I try to hold back my tears, "You know I've never thanked you."

"For what?"

"For adopting me, for never making me feel like I wasn't truly your daughter, for providing my mom with a home, and for loving us."

She grabs me and hugs me. I can't hold back my tears anymore and they start rolling down my cheeks.

"Honey you are my daughter. You became my daughter the second I met you. You, Carter, and your Mom are everything to me. You guys are all that matters."

"I'm scared." I cry into her shoulder.

"Shhh everything is gonna be fine. You're okay."

After a few seconds I pull back and wipe my eyes. Mama smiles at me, "Sofia will probably wake up soon."

"Do you want to start heading back?" I ask her.

She nods and we both get up. We start walking inside and my thoughts start wandering again.

"Where's Daniel?"

"He was on a business trip he's on his way back."

I know Mama is trying to sound strong for me but ever since they all got here she can't even say Garrett's name. She's scared and her emotions are all over the place.

"Hell on earth?"

She knows exactly what I mean and nods, "Once we make sure everyone is okay it's over for those two."

Once we get to the floor Sofia's on I immediately make eye contact with Mom. She looks so sad.

"I'll be right back." Mama tells me and immediately goes to Mom.

I smile to myself and stick around just to see how this goes.

"Cute eyes, I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Mom looks away from her, "My name is actually Avery so..."

I hold my laugh in. She's trying to not give in but it's obvious that it won't last long. Mama makes her get up from the chair and she sits and makes Mom sit on her lap.

I look away from them and head towards Sofia's room. They're gonna be fine. They love each other so much nothing can get in between them.

Once I step into the Sofia's room again I take my original seat. Her parents are here and so is Carter. I give them a small smile and look at Sofia.

I watch her chest rise and fall again, waiting, hoping, and praying she'll wake up.

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