Chapter 3

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Olivia's POV

Of course I didn't even try to make it for the family gathering. I hate her. I can't see her. They were here for only a couple of days and I crashed at my friends for those days.

They do have a house here but usually Aunt Hazel and Mom are inseparable so they end up staying at our house.

From what I know they all left to go back to Italy this morning. Garrett called a million times for the week they were here but I never picked up. I don't know why he's on a mission to make Sofia and I see each other.

I park outside our house and get out. I walk up to the house and just as I'm about to put my keys in the door swings open and Mama looks at me nervously.

"Leave." She tells me.

I frown, "Are you kicking me out? You told me I could live with you guys for as long as I needed."

She shakes her head no, "It's not a good time they're still h-"

Mama gets cut off by Mom coming up from behind her.

"Hi sweetie, come in."

I give Mama a confused look and slowly walk in. She closes the door and we walk a little into the house. I turn back around to try to figure out why she was trying to kick me out.

"Sorry baby." Mama mumbles.


I turn back around when I hear a noise and frown when I see Aunt Hazel and Kai. I though they left.

I go to walk to them but stop in my tracks when Sofia comes around the corner. I look back to Mama and she gives me a sad look.

I can't. Every time I see her my blood starts boiling. I bend down and grab the knife that's strap to my ankle and throw it hard at her direction and speed walk toward her.

She moves her head quickly and dodges the knife. I pin her to the wall and grab my other knife and hold it to her neck.

"I told you what would happened if I saw you again."

"Lascialo andare piccola." Mama says.

"Liv I'm sorry." Sofia whispers.

I push the knife harder into her neck and blood starts dripping down my hand, "Don't you dare. You have no right to call me that."

Aunt Hazel and Kai are just standing there not doing anything. None of them know anything so I'm sure they're all surprised by the way we are acting. I guess they could put it as us training since we always had our silly little battles when we were younger.

I take the knife away from her neck and look at Mom, "What's this about?"

She sighs, "We're going on a family trip."

"I'm not coming."

There is no way I can go on a trip with Sofia. I would kill her if we were alone for 5 minutes.

Mom glares at me, "Yes you are."

I take a deep breath, "I have work. Plus why aren't you forcing Carter?"

"She's going abroad to visit collages."

I laugh, "Carter leaving? Is that a joke? She loves this house and you guy's money way too much."

Mom glares at me even harder and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. This is all bullshit they're trapping me into going on a trip I don't want to go.

I look at Aunt Hazel, "What about Jayden?" Jayden is Sofia's brother and their second child.

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