Chapter 25

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Olivia's POV

Someone shaking my body make me groan. I stir and then hear Carter's voice.

"Liv get up." I slowly open my eyes and squint. I was sleeping on the chair outside of Sofia's room because they wanted to do some tests.

I look around and Carter is standing in front of smiling, "Do you need something?"

She furiously nods her head, "Get up."

I yawn, "Carter I'm tired."

She rolls her eyes, "Fine I'm just gonna tell Sofia you don't want to see her."

The sleepiness leaves my body and I jump off the chair going towards Sofia's room.

Once I step into the room my eyes widen when I see Sofia sitting on the bed. I go to her and immediately throw myself into her arms.

"Is this where I pretend I don't remember you like in the movies?" She asks laughing.

I ignore her and hug her tighter, "Ouch ouch love, that hurts." She groans in pain.

I pull back and kiss all over her face, "I love you, I love you so freaking much."

She smiles, "You're being too nice."

I glance at Carter and Sofia's parents in the room. They just give us a small smile.

I turn back to Sofia, "Say it back."

She grabs my face and kisses my forehead, "I love you too."

I take a deep breath in. I thought I lost her, I'm never taking our moments for granted again.

"We'll give you two a minute." Aunt Hazel says and the three of them leave the room and close the door behind them.

Sofia grabs my waist and brings me closer to her, "Don't you ever get shot again." I whisper to her.

She smiles, "Third times a charm right?"

I lightly pinch her shoulder and she yelps, "Shut up and next time don't take someone's pulse when you clearly have no idea how. I thought Garrett was dead when you looked at me like that."

Sofia frowns, "How is he?"

"He's back in his room. He went through two different surgery's and the doctors don't know how it's gonna turn out."

She squeezes my waist, "So it's bad."

I grab her face, "It's not good."

Sofia grabs my hands from her face and kisses them, "How's Aunt Megan?"

"Angry but Mom is good at keeping her calm."

She nods and looks around the room, "Can you help me change out of this weird gown?"

"Of course, I had Jackson pack you a bag."

I go to the bag on the ground next to the chair and open it. I grab her a T-shirt and pants.

"Strip me naked." Sofia smiles.

I smirk, "Keep it in your pants Xavier, your parents are literally outside the door."

She laughs, "Fine, I'll have you later."

I shake my head at her and smile. I help her take the gown off and I can't help the frown that forms on my face.

Her chest and shoulder are all wrapped up in bandages. I slowly trace my hand over them and she whimpers.

"I'm fine Liv." She breaths out but I knows she's lying. I know her too well, she's in pain.

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