Chapter 18

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Sofia's POV

"I thought she would for sure kill you." Jackson says.

I put the papers in my files, "Honestly, me too. She's scary."

"Have you seen her much?" He asks.

I roll the chair a little away from the desk, "No I haven't. She told me she needs time."

It's been three days since Olivia found out everything and I haven't heard from her since.

"I know you told her." I tell Jackson.

He looks at me nervously, "Theoretically speaking, I only pointed her to the right direction."

"I don't think she's gonna be able to forgive me"

Jackson smiles, "She's been known to surprise."

He's right. The best thing I can do is just wait for her.

"Is Ma in back in town?"

"She is," Jackson replies, "They came back a week ago."

"I'm gonna show her the flash drive once I get it."

"Good. It's about damn time you tell her about what's going on."

A knock on my office door stops our conversation. Once the door opens Helen comes into view. Gosh I hate this girl. I hate her with everything in me but I can't show it.

I stand up and force myself to smile, "Helen, what are you doing here?"

"Sofia, I just wanted to check in and see if everything is ready for the trial next week."

I glance at Jackson and he slowly and discreetly leaves the room. Great now I'm alone with her.

She sits on the couch, and I sit on another couch opposite of her,"Everything is going as planned."

"My mom is going to be there."

I nod, "Just make sure she doesn't make a scene."

Anger flashes through her eyes, "She's never made a scene."

Of course she fucking has. Not a lot of people scare me but her mom does. She just has this aurora to her that sends a shiver down my spine.

Her mom made such a scene at the pre trial that I completely forgot what I needed to talk about. Security had to escort her out. Plus she gives me the creeps, for some reason she always pretends that she's known me for a long time.

One time she made a comment about how she was there before I was even born which doesn't make sense because I met her for the first time only two months ago and I've never seen her with my parents.

I swear her mom is a psychopath.

"Sorry." I mumble.

Helen hums, "Is Olivia here? I saw your pictures in the news."

I nod, "She came here to testify for you."

"Are you two back together?"

Why does everyone keep asking that? It's none of their businesses if we're back together or not.

"I'm your lawyer Helen, our relationship is strictly professional so you don't need to know the answer to that question."

She smiles, "Come on Sof, we both know there's more to this relationship."

Why does she have to be so annoying? She's been flirting ever since I took her case. I've turned her down multiple times but she doesn't take no for an answer.

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