Chapter 29

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Olivia's POV

I watch Sofia as Carter is trying to annoy her but she's smiling throughout the whole thing.

"Come on give it up." Carter whines.

"Why should I give it to you?"

I lean back on the couch and watch the both of them amusedly.

Carter groans, "Fine don't give it to me. I was gonna keep it a secret that you weren't a virgin when you had sex with Olivia but now I don't have to."

Sofia's head snaps towards my direction, "Liv, I swear she's lying."

I cross my arms, "I know, sweetheart."

"Ugh fine it was worth a try." Carter says and gets up from the couch.

Sofia laughs, "Jackson has the keys but you only have 15 minutes to drive it."

Carters face lights up, "You're the best Sof."

She runs out the living room in search of Jackson. Sofia gets up from where she is and comes and sits down next to me on the couch.

I smile, "Hi."

"Hey, love."

When she woke up this morning Carter started bugging her about driving her car so we haven't had the chance to talk.

"Are you gonna be here a while?"

Sofia smiles, "I'll go wherever you are so if you're staying here a while then I'm staying here too."

I sigh, "Why do you have to be so amazing?"

"Ask my Mom. She would kill me if I left you again."

"I would kill you if you left me again."

Sofia chuckles, "I know, love."

Silence falls around us. I so badly want to speak first but I don't know what to say.

"Liv, I'm sorry. For coming here drunk last night, for keeping secrets from you, for hurting you."

I bring my hand up and put it on her lips to stop her from talking, "Sof, I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry for always overreacting."

I get up and sit on her lap and she puts her arm around my waist, "Is the great Olivia actually saying sorry?"

I smack her shoulder, "Shut up."

Sofia laughs, "I'm sorry love, you just never apologize."

"I know but that's gonna change. You deserve a lot of apologies from me. For starters I'm sorry for shooting you."

She moves my body so now I'm straddling her lap, "It's okay I deserved it."

"You didn't, I just overreact when I feel like you've broken my trust. So let's just promise each other no more secrets."

Sofia laughs nervously, "Yeah no more secrets."

I narrow my eyes, "What was that?"

"What was what?" She asks pretending to be confused.

"You're keeping something from me."

She looks away, "The weathers nice today isn't it?"

I grab her face and make her look at me, "Sofia I swear. I just said no more secrets."

She sighs, "Okay so when you shot me I had to go to physical therapy for a year because of how close range the shot was. I bought a house here the other day and I wanted to ask you to move in. I bumped into the tattoo girl about 2 weeks ago and she told me where Donna and Helen are." Sofia rambles out in one breath.

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