Chapter 16

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Olivia's POV

It's been a month and half since we've been in Italy. I haven't seen Sofia that much but the few times that I have she keeps wanting to talk about what happened on the jet.

I want to talk about it too but not before I piece everything together. For some reason Garrett was having a hard time trying to find the footage but he called me this morning and told me to come in so I'm guessing he found it.

"Liv, are you going somewhere?" Jayden asks as I'm about to step out.

Jayden took the opportunity of Sofia not living in the penthouse and decided that he wants to crash here with me. I don't mind the company though Jayden is fun to have around.

"I have to go talk to Garrett. Do you know where you sister is today?"

Jayden nods, "She has this big meeting with the lawyers. She's getting everyone ready for the trial."

"Okay, well I'll see you later." I close the door and start walking.

"And where are you going?" Jackson asks. Sofia might not be around but she sends Jackson to be with me everyday. I don't know what she's so scared of.

"I'm gonna go see Garrett at the warehouse. Can you drive me there please?"

He nods and opens the car door for me and then gets in himself. The car is silent for about five minutes before Jackson finally gives in and speaks.

"Why are you seeing Garrett?"

I glance at him, "He's showing me the footage of the day Sofia cheated on me."

He immediately looks at me and the quickly looks back to the road, "Mmm good for you."

The rest of the car ride he doesn't talk to me. It honestly seems like he's nervous. I choose to ignore him until we get to the warehouse.

Jackson gets out first and opens my door. I quickly get out and walk inside. Everyone slightly bows as I pass them by. I make my way through a door and see Garrett sitting behind a table with a computer in front of him.

"So did you find the footage?"

Garrett nods, "Sorta, I went back two years but I need the specific day."

"March 21st."

He looks back shocked, "That was fast."

I shrug, "It's a day I can never forget."

He starts typing on the computer, "Why do you need me to hack it anyways?"

I tap my fingers on the table impatiently, "Because she's being suspicious. I don't know why I didn't think about it before but I think she set the whole thing up."

"Set what up?"

I don't answer him and wait for him to pull it up. He opens one of his files and starts going through the footage from the past.

"Why did it take you so long to find the footage?"

"There was no footage. Someone had erased it but they didn't know that all footages get saved into my files."

If someone went through the trouble to delete all our footages from two years ago then this might be deeper than I thought.

He's flying through footages and when he gets to the day I stop him.

"It's this one. Change it to the camera in our bedroom."

He nods and starts playing the video. My tapping on the table stops the second I see what is on the tape. Sofia walks into our room with another girl. I take a deep breath in. Please don't be what I think. I can't go through seeing it twice.

They're both dressed and just sit on the bed.  It looks like they're talking.

"Is there audio?"

Garrett hums, "Let me see."

He clicks the audio button and their voices become clear.

"Okay so you don't actually have to kiss me."

The girl groans, "I got it, you've said that a million times."

Sofia smiles, "I know I'm sorry. I don't actually want to cheat on her I just want to make it look like I did."

The audio cuts out but the footage is still going. I try to slow down my breathing but it's not working.

They're still talking but a few seconds after that they get up looking nervous. That was probably when I came home early from work. I wanted to surprise Sofia.

The girl takes her shirt and pants off and Sofia closes her eyes not to look and then she takes her own shirt off.

They seem to wait for my footsteps and then  kiss.

"Zoom in."

Garrett zooms in and I gasp. Their lips aren't even touching. From my angle it looked like they were making out. I flinch when I watch myself slap Sofia and run out the house.

As soon as I leave they both put their clothes back on. Sofia goes to our closet and comes back with a hundred dollar bill in her hand and gives it to the girl and she leaves right after that.

"Okay that's enough turn it off."

"Fuck, why the hell would she do that?" Garrett asks, surprised.

I rub the back of my neck, "She didn't cheat on me."

Garrett rolls his chair to face me, "I don't know why you would ever think she did. Sofia looks at you like you're the only woman in the world. That girl worships the ground you walk on."

"I thought what I saw was the truth." I reply, still too shock to even comprehend anything.

"Eyes can be deceiving."

I stumble back and Garrett quickly gets up and catches me, "I shot her."

"Breath Olivia. It seems like she wanted you to react like that."

I shake my head, "I shot her for no reason. She didn't cheat on me."

Garrett slightly shakes me, "Go talk to her. Get her side."

I push him away from me and immediately start walking out of the warehouse. Jackson looks up from his phone and gives me a nervous smile.

I stalk towards him and he drops his phone and holds his hands up, "It wasn't my idea it was all her."

I grab his shirt and clutch it, "Take me to her."

"She has an important meeting." He mumbles scared.

I glare at him and he starts nodding rapidly, "Okay okay get in the car."

I get in the car and he grabs his phone from the ground and gets in himself. I can't believe she did that.

How could she? For the last two years I thought she didn't love me. I thought that she cheated because she fell out of love.

"Don't kill her." Jackson whispers.

I don't respond to Jackson. I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't even know what to think, my blood is boiling.

That's two years of our lives that we lost.

The second we get to the law firm I grab Jackson's gun and jump out the car, making my way inside. The lady at the reception smiles confused, "Ms.Woods, what are you doing here?"

"Where's Sofia?"

"Ms. Xavier is in a meeting."

"Where is she?" I slightly raise my voice.

The poor woman shrinks into herself, "Third floor in the conference room."

I walk towards the stairs and start going up. Jackson is yelling after me but I don't bother listening to him. When I get to the third floor I look around and find the conference room.

The room is made up off glass so I can see Sofia. She's sitting at the top of the table talking. There's at least 6 people in that room but I don't let it bother me.

I barge in and point my gun at Sofia.

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