Chapter 4

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Olivia's POV

I groan as I carry my suitcase to Mama's car. Mom gave me no choice, I had to come. I'm 21 freaking years old but I still feel the need to listen to my parents. They know best right? This is not going to end well.

I glance at everyone's car. Aunt Hazel and Kai flew their cars out here and Sofia did the same.

I turn around when I hear footsteps and lock eyes with Garrett, "This is all your fault."

He smiles, "I follow orders little one. I didn't do anything."

"Is Mama behind this?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders not answering.

Ugh I don't even care who's fault this is I just don't want to be involved in it. Everyone else walks out a few minutes later. I don't even pay attention to Sofia and wait for Mama to open the car doors.

Sofia walks up to her car and then frowns "I have a flat tire."

Mama gives me a look and laughs. I may have flat tire Sofia last night so she couldn't come with us.

Aunt Kai joins Mama and laughs, "She's definitely your daughter Meg."

"Great you should go back home." I mumble towards Sofia.

She gets up, "I have my motorcycle."

She points to our garage and I roll my eyes. Of course she has that stupid fucking motorcycle with her. I told her so many times to get rid of it. I hated thinking about her riding fast.

Aunt Hazel chuckles, "Okay now that we got that over with let's go."

Everyone's puts their stuff in the car. I glance at Daniel and Garrett. They're taking a separate car. Sometimes I hate how much security we need to travel. Perks of your mom being in the mafia I guess.

It was unbelievable when Mama told us at first but I guess Carter and I knew all along we just didn't want to admit it to ourselves. Carter doesn't care about any of it. Mom doesn't want us involved and in some ways we aren't.

At least Carter isn't but since I lived in Italy I was a little bit involved. Both Carter and I were still trained. Just for self defense and knowing the basic rules of how to use things like a gun.

This morning when Carter left for the airport three different cars of security followed her. But I'm sure Mama is gonna get a call by the end of the day telling her that they lost Carter. She's so good at ditching her security.

I snap out of my thoughts and look at Garrett again, he slightly smiles and I return it getting in the car. Sofia turns on her bike and it makes a loud noise. She gets on it and slowly walks it towards our car.

"Don't bring the window down." I tell Mama. A second later the window rolls down and I clench my jaw.

"Wanna ride with me like old times?" Sofia asks.

"Nope." I answer and roll the window back up.

Mom turns and looks at me, "Be nice, sweetie."

She doesn't deserve me being nice to her. Sofia gives up and starts riding out our driveway. Mama follows her and everyone else drives behind us.

I grab my book and get comfortable in the back seat. This is gonna be a long drive. Mama bought Mom a Villa for her birthday last year so we're going there. The drive is like 3 and half hours.

When we get on the freeway I start paying more attention to my surroundings. It's been a while since we all went on a trip together. I glance at the middle console and see Mama's right hand holding Moms which causes me to smile. I love the way they love each other.

A loud noise makes me avert my eyes and look outside, "Why is she going so fast?"

"You pissed her off. That was one of her nice cars." Mom replies.

"She's gonna get herself killed." I mumble.

"Are you worried about her?" Mama asks.

"No she can do whatever she wants." I lie.

"Mmm whatever you say."

Mom turns around and looks at me, "Honey, what happened between the two of you? I've never since you act that cold towards Sofia."

I sigh, "Nothing Mom, I guess I've just been a little cranky."

I know she doesn't believe me which is why she turns to Mama, "Sweetheart, is there anything you want to tell me?"

I look at Mama curiously. Does she know? Maybe not the whole thing but I think she has some sorta of idea.

She shakes her head no, "I don't know anything, cute eyes."

Mom narrows her eyes but hums and looks ahead. I look outside again and Sofia is literally zooming around cars. I swear she is doing this on purpose she knows how much I hate that bike.

"So why are we really going on this trip?" I ask.

Mama glances at me from the rear view mirror, "Bonding. You've been working too much and you're never home."

I nod but I don't believe her. She has an alternative plan and I'm gonna figure it out. I look at Sofia again. She's gonna get herself killed.

"I need to pee Mama, can you please pull over at the gas station."

"We just got on the road." Mom states the obvious.

"Please." I push further.

Mama nods and puts on her signal. Everyone follows us to the gas station and when Aunt Kai pulls up next to us she frowns, "What are you doing? We just left."

"Olivia needs to pee." She looks at me and the nods.

"Avery let's go get snacks." Aunt Hazel says and Mom quickly nods. We all get out the car and everyone walks in but I stay behind. I wait until Sofia pulls into the gas station and then go towards her. She turns her bike off and takes her helmet off.

"Are you trying to die?" I ask irritated.

Sofia smiles, "Worried about me, love?"

I get closer to her, "Shut up. Drive slower."

She raises an eyebrow, "And what if I don't?"

I grab her shirt and make her lean down a little since she's a few inches taller than me, "I'll kill you."

"Take me back." She replies with desperation.

I let go, "In your dreams, Xavier."

"I'll die without you."

I scoff, "Then die. You didn't even bat an eye when I left."

Her eyes soften, "There's more to the story."

I put my hands into my pockets to resist the urge to punch her in her perfect face, "There isn't more to the story because if there was you would have told me two years ago."

"Didn't you need to pee." I hear Mom asking me. I turn around and face her.

"I already did." I lie. She knows I'm lying but she doesn't say anything and gets back in the car. Everyone else does the same.

I turn to face Sofia again, she's starting to put her helmet back on again.

I stop her, "Did you bring my helmet?"

"Always. It's in the back of Ma's car."

"Wait." I tell her and go towards Aunt Kai's car. She rolls the window down and I smile.

"I'm just gonna grab my helmet."

"Okay, sweetie." Aunt Hazel answers smiling. I quickly grab it and go back to Sofia.

I put my hand out, "Keys." She drops them in my hand and I put on my helmet. She gets off the bike and stands next to me. I get on the motorcycle and turn it on. Then I open the visor and look at Sofia.

"Okay stand over there." I tell her. She gives me a confused look but listens anyway.

"Ride with your parents," And without thinking twice about it I start to ride away.

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