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Sofia's POV

One year later

"You think she's gonna be mad?"

Carter laughs, "Is that even a question? Of course she's gonna be mad."

I look at the pieces of glass on the ground and groan. Carter and I were playing baseball and I got a little too excited and next thing you know the ball went through her car window.

"She told us not to play by the car." I whine.

Carter looks at me amusedly, "I know and that is exactly why she's going to be mad."

I'm 100% sure Olivia heard the glass shattering but she hasn't come out of the house yet. She's waiting for me to go inside and there is no way in hell I'm going in there.

"How are we going to fix it?"

She crouches down by the car and looks, "I have an idea."

"Which is?"

She gets up and grabs the bat we were playing with, "I'm gonna give this to Liv so she can beat us with it."

I can't help but laugh, "That's actually a perfect idea."

She goes to laugh but starts coughing instead. My smile immediately drops. Carter reaches into her pocket and grabs an inhaler. She inhales and breaths out slowly.

"I'm fine don't freak out." She whispers.

"Why are you lying?"

She inhales one more time and puts the inhaler away, "I'm not. I'm really okay."

I sigh, "You're annoying."

She chuckles, "The real question here is when are you and my sister gonna have a baby?"

We walk away from the car and sit by the side walk, "I don't know you have to ask Liv."

Carter frowns, "Why? Does she not want one?"

"She does but I don't think she's ready."

"And you're okay with that?"

I nod, "We're still young we have time. Plus I want Olivia to be comfortable I don't want to force her into something she's not ready for."

"Awww you guys really are a match made in heaven."

I go to respond to her but my eyes catch a familiar car driving down the street. Carter immediately smiles and we both get up. She parks her car and gets out.

"Harper what are you doing here?" Carter asks and gives her a hug.

She smiles, "I wanted to talk to Olivia about something. How are you guys?"

"Oh you know we're just hiding out here because we broke Olivia's car window." I tell her.

She looks at the car and starts laughing, "Of course you did. You two cannot stay out of trouble."

"It's Carter's fault she threw a bad toss."

Carter looks at me with wide eyes, "You're the one that hit so hard thinking you're a pro baseball player."

Harper smiles, "Okay you two stop arguing. Sofia you go talk to your fiancé and then bring her outside so I can talk to her."

I nod, "Okay fine but I'm not gonna take all of the blame."

Carter narrows her eyes, "Fine."

I start walking away from them and towards the front door.

"Harper after you're done talking to Liv can we go see your monkey?"

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