Chapter 27

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Sofia's POV

I open my mouth to object to that but she takes that as her cue to shove her tongue into my mouth. I moan again and melt into her.

"Sof." She whispers against my lips.

"Yes, my love."

Just as I think she might make a move and take my shirt off Olivia stops and pulls back.

"Is there something you want to tell me?"

Blood rushes to my face. Fuck. What is she talking about?

Her facial expression has completely changed. She slowly pulls out a pocket knife out of her pocket and I gulp. Crap. She's mad about something.

"Sofia, baby, I'm gonna give you one last chance to tell me."

I try to grab her hand but she pulls away, "Liv, I don't know what you're talking about."

She gets off of me and stands right next to the bed.

"I'm trying not to go off on you right now because we've been through a lot these past few days and I told myself I'm gonna be better but you're making it hard."

I get up from the bed and frown, "Love, what are you talking about?"

She starts playing with the knife in her hand, it looks like it's taking everything in her not to throw it at me.

"Carter." She whispers and I take a shaky breath in.

"You know?"

"I've known something's been up for a while now. She passed out when we go to the hospital and I had the doctors run tests."

I immediately try to go towards her but she backs away, "How long have you known?" Olivia asks.

"Love, I wanted to tell you but Carter wasn't ready. She still isn't ready."

Olivia can't even look at me, she's so angry but this is the first time I've seen her keep it in.

"She's my sister. We're getting married. What part of you made you think it's okay not to tell me my sister is dying?" She raises her voice and I flinch.

"Liv, listen to me for a second. She's not dying, I won't let that happen."

Olivia looks at me and her ice blue eyes look darker for some reason. She slowly walks towards me and I back away, hitting the wall behind me.

"I love you Sofia but fuck you're lucky someone shot you or I would be the one holding a gun right now." I try to reach for her hand but she pulls away again.

"I can't touch you right now. How do you keep breaking my trust?"

I try not to let my tears fall, "Olivia this wasn't my choice. It's not something for me to share."

She brings up the knife in her hand and stabs the wall right next to my head. Then without saying anything she turns around and walks out of the room.

Olivia's POV

I storm out the room and start walking down the hallway. I can't believe she did this to me again. It seems like a cycle with us. I trust her and she breaks it.

As I keep walking Mama comes into view. We make eye contact and she immediately frowns. I try to fake a smile but it doesn't work and she starts walking to me.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." I try to walk away but she grabs my hand.

"You're not fine. What happened?"

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