Chapter 22

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Sofia's POV

Olivia left me.

Well she didn't leave me, her parents came to Italy so she went to my parents house to see them. Honestly everything seems to be going well.

I think she has completely forgiven me but I'm still gonna thread carefully. Todays my day off so I'm just laying around watching TV.

I have nothing better to do. I might go ring shopping though. I want to give Olivia a new ring. I know it's too soon but I'm not gonna give her the ring right now I'm gonna wait a little.

Plus knowing her she's gonna say no a few times before she finally says yes. I'm fine with that though I'm gonna work hard to earn her love back.

As I'm getting lost in my thoughts someone knocking on the door snaps me out of my thoughts.

"It's open." I lazily yell. The door opens and closes and then Carter comes into view.

She smiles at me, "Hey Sof."

I sit up on the couch, "Carter, you were supposed to come two months ago."

She plops down on the couch, "Yeah I got grounded."

"How are you always grounded?"

Carter shrugs, "I don't know. Like I said I'm just an active child."

I laugh, "You just need to stop getting yourself in trouble."

"Mmm are you and my sister back together? She has a wedding ring on."

I smile, "We are."

"Good. Does this mean you two will stop arguing every two seconds?"

I narrow my eyes, "I don't know are you gonna stop sleeping with my brother?"

Her eyes widen, "Once. I slept with him once."

"Be careful he might fall in love."

She chuckles, "He knows it's nothing more than a one night stand."

Carter has a habit of sleeping around. Everyone knows it but we try not to acknowledge it.

"Do you sleep around because of your h-"

"Stop." She cuts me off, "I sleep with people because being Bi allows me to go for both genders filled with hot people."

I frown, "They don't know do they?" I ask Carter referring to her family and friends.

She looks away, "It's not important."

I sigh, "Carter your sister would kill me if she found out I knew and didn't tell her."

Carter puts her hand on top of mine, "I'm fine Sof and I'm gonna be fine."

"You're scared and you try to cover it up with your goofy acts" I state the obvious.

She gets up from the couch and groans, "You used to be the fun one."

I get up from the couch too and gasp, "I am the fun one."

"Then let's go do that thing now."

I look at her amusedly, "You just want to piss your sister off."

Carter smiles, "Of course."

I grab my car keys, "Fine, I promised you and I'm a person of my word."

She giggles and we start making our way outside. Once we step outside I stop in front of my garage.

"I actually already bought them." I tell her and her face lights up.

I open the garage and there's two dirt bikes in there. She immediately runs to one of them and runs her hand on it.

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