Chapter 28

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Olivia's POV

I wish I could say I talked to Sofia but I didn't. We left Italy two weeks ago and Carter and I are back home.

Everyone else stayed in Italy to take care of some things but it was time for us to come back.

Sofia couldn't come back with us so that farther my opportunity's in talking to her. I'm not mad at her anymore but sometimes my ego gets the best of me.

Carter and I were supposed to talk that day in the hospital but we got busy and things happened so we still haven't talked. I got an apartment when we moved back so I don't live with my parents anymore.

Right now it's about 8pm and I'm sitting in my car outside the house, trying to think of the best way I want to talk to Carter. She talked to our parents already and things have been a little different but not too much.

I take a deep breath and finally give in. I open my car door and start walking up the steps of the house. I knock three times and wait.

It takes a while for the door to open but once it does I bite my lip to suppress my smile. Carter is standing there with a robe wrapped around her body.

"Are you having sex?" I ask amusedly.

Her cheeks are red but she shakes her head, "No why would you think that?"

I step inside, "Then you wouldn't mind if we talk."

Just as I walk further into the house, I hear someone moan and I turn to Carter with my mouth open, "How many people are upstairs?"

She groans, "Two. Don't tell moms. What am I supposed to do when I have the house to myself?"

I laugh, "Watch a movie or something."

Carter rolls her eyes, "I'll get rid of them, give me a sec."

She runs upstairs and I sit on the couch trying to control myself so I don't burst out laughing.

A few seconds later a half naked guy and girl walk downstairs holding their clothes in their hands. They give me a small smile and scramble out the house.

A minute later Carter comes downstairs fully clothed smiling at me like the past few minutes didn't happen.

She plops down on the couch next to me, "Well what's up sis?"

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that you were having a threesome?"

Carter scrunches her nose, "Not all of us fall in love at 16 and give all of our firsts to that person."

"15." I correct her and she rolls her eyes.

"Have you even had sex with anyone besides Sofia?"

I hit her shoulder, "Shut up. I'm not here to talk about sex."

Carter laughs, "Fine I'll ask her myself."

"Have you talked to her recently?"

"Yeah she called this morning. She's here apparently."

I look at her surprised, "She didn't tell me that."

Carter grabs a couch cushion and throws it at me, "Maybe thats because you won't answer her calls."

I grab the cushion, "I don't know what to tell her."

She groans, "You know if I was in Sofia's shoes I would have broken up with you a week into the relationship."

I throw the cushion back at her, "Hey that's not nice."

"What? I'm just telling you the truth. You start arguments and expect her to apologize."

I throw my head back on the couch, she's right, "It's hard for me to apologize."

Carter squeezes my shoulder, "Sofia loves you Liv. She would take a life for you and that's something you should be thankful for. All you need to do is meet her half way. I'm sure an apology would go a long way.

"But she lied to me."

"She didn't lie, I ask her not to tell you. Liv let it go, she wanted to tell you the second she found out but I didn't let her."

I move my head and look into her gray eyes, "Well now everyone knows."

She smiles, "I had the greatest conversation with moms."

I laugh, "Did mom cry?"

"Oh yeah she wouldn't stop."

I give her a reassuring smile, "What did they say?"

"It was a long conversation but to sum it up they said to take it easy and that I need to go to the doctor regularly."

I try not to frown, "So what do you need to get better?"

"A new heart." She mumbles, "I'm on the transplant list."

I look away from her so she doesn't see my tears, "How long?"

"It really depends. If I take it easy 5 years if not 3."

She grabs my face and makes me look at her, "And let me guess you're not gonna take it easy?" I ask.

Carter wipes my tears, "Well I promised your fiancé I'll fight so I'll get back to you on that."

A knock on the door makes both of our heads turn. I look at Carter confused, "Are you expecting someone?"

She gets up from the couch, "That might actually be Sofia."

I immediately get up and follow her, "Did you know she was coming over?"

"Maybe. She was supposed to drop some medicine off for me."

This might actually be good. I need to talk to her and Carters right I need to apologize. We walk to the door together and once Carter opens it I gasp.

Sofia is leaning on Jackson with her eyes half closed. Her face is bruised and she's slurring her words.

"Is she drunk?" I ask Jackson.

He nods, "Yup and she started a bar fight."

I stand still and look at her in shock. She's so drunk she can't even stand up straight. She moves her head and when we make eye contact she immediately smiles.

"There she is. The love of my life." She tells Jackson pointing at me.

I groan, "Bring her inside."

He starts helping her walk and Carter laughs, "You might have to wait till tomorrow to talk to her."

"I'm sure she doesn't even know her name." I reply.

Carter chuckles, "You have to consume the alcohol not let it consume you."

I roll my eyes and follow Jackson to the living room. He drops her on to the couch and she immediately looks at me, "Are you mad at me?"

I sit next to her, "No. Did you have to get this drunk?"

Sofia brings her hand up and caresses my cheek, "Why are your eyes red? Have you been crying?"

I grab her hand and squeeze, "I'm fine, baby."

"Love, I'm so sorry for keeping Carters condition from you. I should have told you."

I grab the blanket that's on the couch and put it over her, "Sweetheart don't apologize, I overreacted. We can talk tomorrow when you're sober."

Her bottom lip trembles but she nods, "Can we cuddle?"

I smile, "Of course, move over."

She immediately makes space for me. I lay down next to her and put my head on her chest. Sofia wraps her arms around me and squeezes tight.

She usually doesn't drink, only when something is bothering her and I guess this time it was my fault.

I'll talk to her tomorrow and I'm sure we can figure it out. I love her so much which is why I need to let go of my high ego.

Sofia is worth more than my pride.

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