Chapter 23

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Olivia's POV

"Carter would you get up? We're almost to the airport." I groan.

She's been so out of it ever since she came to Italy. Her and Sofia disappeared for a day and ever since that day Carter has been sleepy and she's been really quiet which is not like her.

We're leaving today to go back home. Everyone decided to stay in Italy but they sent the three of us back.

"Love, let her be she's tired."

Garrett is driving and Jackson is sitting in the passenger seat which means the three of us are in the back. I don't mind Carter sleeping on me it's just too crowded.

"It's too hot in this freaking car, baby."

Sofia looks at Carter and then looks at me, "Do you want them to pull over and we can switch spots so Carter can lay on me?"

I shake my head, "No it's fine. Who's idea was for us to take one car anyway?"

Sofia chuckles, "It was your idea, my love."

I glare at her and her smile drops, "Now that I'm rethinking, it was definitely my idea."

I smile and run my hand over her cheek, "Good girl."

"So whipped." Jackson whispers from the front.

"Hey watch it." Sofia warns him and I laugh.

He laughs and turns to Garrett, "How's you're girlfriend?" He teases.

I gasp, "Gary you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes he does and he's been hiding her from us."

He groans, "I'm not hiding her, it's just private for now."

"He's in love." Jackson teases again.

"I'm gonna kill you." Garrett grits through his teeth.

I laugh at their childish behavior and intertwine my fingers with Sofia. Just as I'm about to lay my head on her shoulder and also sleep I realize we're at the airport.

Garrett drives us to the jet but the second we can actually see the plane he steps on the breaks hard.

Carter wakes up screaming and gasping for air. I look to the front, "What the hell."

"Sofia do you have your gun?" Garrett asks.

I look outside and there's three black vans in front of the jet. Sofia looks at me and Carter, "Stay in the car."

They three of them start to get out but I stop her, "I'm not letting you go out there alone."

"Olivia for once don't be stubborn and listen to me."

I squeeze her hand, "Don't do this to me. Let me come."

She takes a deep breath, "Fine. Just stay behind me."

"Carter you stay in here." I tell her. She seems like she's having a hard time breathing because of how fast she woke up.

She nods, "I'm gonna call Mama."

I kiss her cheek and we all get out the car. Garrett and Jackson take their guns out and so does Sofia. We start walking forward and away from the car.

The doors to the three vans open and multiple people walk out with ski masks on. My eyes catch Helen's.

Sofia's breath hitches. There's at least 10 of them and only three of us have guns.

"Sof, leaving already?" Helen asks while smirking.

"We don't want any trouble." Sofia says.

"We had a deal."

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