Chapter 10

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Sofia's POV

"Put that cigarette out, Xavier." I hear her voice and turn around.

"And what if I don't?"

Olivia sometimes has this dominance to her which scares me to my core. She gives me a warning look and I quickly drop the cigarette and step on it.

"Don't litter." I nod and grab the Cigarette.

She walks up to me and stands next to me, "I thought you quit."

"Old habits die hard I guess." I whisper.

"Our parents are literally two feet away they're gonna see you."

I frown, "They're about to yell at the two of us. I needed something to calm me down beforehand."

Olivia tilts her head and looks at me confused, "You could always calm down before without a cigarette."

I walk up to the door and she follows me, "That's because you were there."

I don't wait for her to respond. I open the door and walk in.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Mom yells at me the second we step inside. I shrink back into myself. Olivia is just causally standing next to me. I motion for her to say something.

"We slept at a motel Aunt Hazel."

Mom looks even more angrier now, "Where? Why? Did something happened at the party?"

"Hazel let them be." Aunt Avery tells her.

"Olivia I can't believe you, I was worried sick. Sofia's the one that's impulsive but I didn't expect this form you." This time Aunt Megan speaks.

"I'm not that impulsive."

Ma glares at me, "How am I supposed to pass down everything to you when you don't even care to tell your parents you're not coming home."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at all of them, "Why is everyone yelling at me? Olivia was in the same room as me."

Olivia whips her head towards my direction and I cover my mouth with my hand. Damn it she told me a million times not to tell them we slept in the same room.

Both of our parents give each other a look that I can't decipher. Then they all start walking away.

"Next time you two better call." Mom tells us before they all make their way out the door. They're going on a double date together I guess.

"There won't be a second time." Olivia holds the front door open to tell them but they've already stopped listening.

Olivia closes the door and immediately pushes me against the wall, "I told you not to tell them."

I smile, "Are you gonna stab my other leg?"

"I might shoot your other leg." She says and starts leaving but I grab her arm.

"Since when do doctors shoot and stab people?"

Olivia smirks, "I'm not a doctor yet."

"Italy?" I question after a few seconds.

Olivia groans, "No."

"Let me get this straight you would fly to Italy to have fucking coffee with Roman but you won't come to help the girl that you were friends with."

She gets out of my hold, "I lied to Roman and what's with you and Helen? Did you fuck her too? Why do you care so much?"

I frown, "I didn't have sex with all the girls in Italy Olivia."

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