Chapter 11

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Olivia's POV

The second Sofia turns her bike off I jump off of it. I hand the helmet to her and she puts it on her bike. We both quickly run inside and go up to an officer sitting behind his desk.

"We're looking for Carter Woods, she got arrested a few hours ago."

The guy starts typing on the computer and then looks up lazily at us, "Are you related to her?"

"She's my sister."

"Do you live here?" He asks not looking up.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Do you live with your parents?"

I have no idea how that's relevant but I answer anyway, "Yeah."

"Do you go to school."


He starts typing again and I'm getting impatient but Sofia's worst than me. I did notice the way the guy took my body in and I guess Sofia did too.

He looks up, "Are you 21?"

Sofia slightly pushes me aside, "What's with all the questions? We can pay however much for her release."

The guy smirks, "What are you her girlfriend?"

"I'm her wife."

"Ex wife." I correct.

Sofia glares at me and I just shrug my shoulders. The guy on purpose looks at my body again and bites his lip. Sofia is two seconds away from killing this guy so I stand in front of her.

"Can we just sign the paper works please."

He shakes his head no, "We need one of your parents to come down here and sign everything. I can't release her until then."

Great. There's no point in trying to keep this from them because now I have to call them.

"Can I at least see her?"

He nods and gets up from his chair. Sofia and I start following him and he stops in front of a cell.

The second I make eye contact with Carter she smiles, "Liv you came."

The guy stares at my ass before he leaves. Sofia starts to move towards him but I grab her hand, "Stop it."

She takes a deep breath and I bring my attention back to Carter.

"Don't get excited Carter, Mama is gonna have to come down here to sign the release papers."

Carter looks horrified, "Oh god she's gonna kill me."

She looks next to me and her horrified expression is completely gone, "Sofia what are you doing here?"

Sofia smiles, "I've missed you. When you get out of here we should go do that thing."

I glance at the both of them, "What thing?"

Carter laughs, "Oh it's just something between Sofia and I."

I groan, "You know what I don't care. Why did you get arrested?"

"Funny story. I got into a bar fight."

"You're not old enough to be in a bar." I state the obvious.

Carter smiles nervously, "That's the thing. It was in Mama's club." Sofia and I gasp at the same time.

"How the heck did you manage to get in?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "I lied and said Mama told me to grab something."

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