Chapter 30

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Sofia's POV

"You know I thought you're gonna stop keeping secrets from her."

"This doesn't count as keeping a secret."

Jackson groans, "I swear sometimes it seems like you want her to hurt you."

"She loves me she can't just kill me." I tell him as I bend down and pet the puppy.

"When did she say she wants a dog again?" Jackson questions, obviously annoyed with the whole thing.

I gently pick up the puppy, "I don't know it was right before we broke up."

"And how do you know she still wants one?"

"I don't but it'll be fine look at how cute he is." I hold up the puppy in front of him. He tries not to smile but gives in and holds the puppy.

"Fine fine let's go find your fiancé."

I smile, "Actually she's coming here to see the house."

Jackson and I are the house I bought and we just finished furnishing. I've known Olivia my whole life so I know what her taste in everything is.

"I love this wall." Jackson points to the wall full of pictures. Not just of us but of everyone.

"Yeah I think she's gonna like it."

He hums, "You know talking about secrets does she know they're still alive?"

I shush him, "Keep your voice down she's gonna get here any moment."

"Oh so she doesn't know."

I groan, "Jackson our parents have them it's not my place to tell her that they're probably torturing Helen and Donna."

"But like does she know Roman got away?"

"Yeah but he isn't a problem and if he tries something I'll take care of it."

"Fine whatever, you're right."

On cue I hear a car door closing. I quickly grab the puppy from Jackson and wait for Olivia to open the door. Once she does she smiles at me but immediately looks shocked when she sees the puppy.

"You got a puppy?"

"And I'm out before she starts shooting." Jackson whispers and quickly makes his way out the house.

I smile at Olivia, "Yeah you asked for one that day in my office."

She walks up to me and I feel like my heart might just stop beating, "Is it a beagle?"

"Yeah you've always wanted a beagle."

Olivia smiles and grabs the puppy from me, "I could marry you right this second."

I laugh, "No you won't."

"Yeah we have to have babies first." She says grinning.

"Mmm what are you naming your beagle?"

Olivia gets closer to me and kisses my lips, "I'm name our beagle Charlie." She whispers against my lips.

Once she pulls back she looks around, "Nice house. I like it."

"We can move in whenever you want my love."

"I just bought an apartment." She whines.

"I know I'm sorry I should have told you I was planning on buying a house."

Olivia puts Charlie down, "It's okay I'll put it up for rent."

I reach my hand out and she intertwines our fingers, "I can help you with it but for now let's go see the pool outside you're gonna love it."

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