Chapter 19

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Sofia's POV

I had so much stuff to do I wasn't able to get out the office until really late at night. It's about one in the morning and I'm sure Olivia is asleep.

I'm still at the penthouse though. I'll sleep on the couch or something and talk to her tomorrow.

I park my car and look around. The only noise that can be heard are the crickets. I go through the lobby and get into the elevator.

Once I get off, I put my keys in and slowly open the door. The lights are off but there's noises coming from the living room.

I quietly walk and peak in. Olivia is sitting on the couch watching something.

"I thought you would be asleep."

She jumps a little and puts her hand over her heart, "You scared me."

I put my keys on the coffee table and lay face down on the couch opposite of her, "Sorry."

"I waited up for you." She whispers.

I turn around and lay on my back so I can see her.

"Thank you, love, but you didn't have to. You must be tired."

She gets up from the couch, "You're the one who looks tired."

Olivia walks to the couch I'm laying on and sits next to me. She gently brushes my hair with her hand.

"Can I ask you a question?" Olivia asks.

"Always, love."

She stops brushing my hair and her hands travel down to my stomach. She moves my shirt a little up and starts tracing random patterns.

"Do I have to perjure myself for Helen?"

I shake my head no, "We're gonna play a video of you and her and you just have to testify that the person in the video is you."

She hums, "Can I ask you another question?"

"I'm all yours Liv, ask as many questions as you want."

"Have you been with anyone ever since the divorce?" She asks.

I run my thumb over her hand, "No. You're the only one for me."

Olivia smiles, "You're cheesy."

"Be my girlfriend again."

"Beg for it."

I get up from my laying position and sit down properly, "On my knees?"

She smirks, "That would be a good start."

Just as I'm about move she stops me, "I'm kidding baby, your brother is here."

I groan, "Of course he is."

Olivia pushes me down on the couch again and she lays next to me putting her head on my chest, "Too horny?"

"Way too horny." I answer her.

She starts tracing random patterns again, "I heard you talking about Helen's mom, what's up with her?"

I hug her closer to me, "I don't know, her mom just gives me the creeps. Did you ever meet her while you two were roommates?"

"No, she never came around. Do you know her name?" I take a second to think and Olivia waits patiently.

"I think her name is, Donna."

In a blink of an eye Olivia gets off of me, "Wait, what?"

Her facial expressions make me sit up too, "What? Do you know her?"

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