Chapter 31

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Thought everyone would enjoy this :)

Megan's POV

"I really don't think you're doing it right."

Kai groans, "The box said 4 cups of milk."

I look at pot, "But that looks like you just made soup. Mac and cheese is not supposed to be that runny."

Kai stirs it more, "I just have to cook it for longer."

I jump up and sit on the counter, "It looks like you're burning it."

She glares at me, "Why are you commenting on my cooking right now? Avery cooks for you so you can't be judging me."

"And Hazey cooks for you so you can't be talking either."

"Meg you're supposed to be on my side." Kai whines.

I laugh, "I am but I'm gonna give it about 5 minutes before our wives come in here and scold us."

"Why do we let them scold us again?" She asks smiling.

"Because we love them and we're whipped."

Kai's smile grows bigger, "Did you ever think we would be here? Married to two amazing women?"

I jump off the counter and go towards the fridge and open it, "Honestly no. I wasn't even looking for love but then there was Avery and suddenly my world revolved around her."

Kai comes by me and leans again the wall, "Me either. I mean I hated Hazel, she annoyed the hell out of me but then she smiled and I felt my heart beat for the first time."

I get the orange juice out and pour us two glasses. I pass her a glass and take a sip from mine, "What's the best part of it for you? The kids?"

Kai laughs out loud, "Are you crazy? Those kids get in trouble so much they drive me nuts."

I chuckle, "Carter is so energetic I can't keep up with all the trouble she gets into."

She hums, "At least Olivia has Sofia on a leash."

I take another sip of my orange juice, "Yeah she scares me and she's my child."

"She loves Sofia though. They've loved each other since they were kids."

"Yeah I love that for them. They're always gonna find their way back to each other no matter what."

Kai nods, "You know I love the bond you have with Olivia. At first when you told me you were dating Avery and that she has a child that scared me but look at you."

I can't help the smile that forms on my lips, "I love my family so much."

Kai opens her mouth to say something else but we both smell something burning. Both our eyes widen and on cue the fire alarm goes off.

I run to the pot and grab it but immediately drop it when it burns my hand, "Fuck fuck I burned my hand."

Kai grabs a cloth and quickly puts the pot in the sink and opens the water.

"What the hell are you two doing?" The voices of our wives make the both of us gulp.

I turn around and her ice blue eyes are glaring at me, "It wasn't me it's all Kai's fault." I point my finger at her.

The fire alarm stops and we both take a deep breath, preparing ourselves.

"Baby would you like to explain why you almost burned our house down?" Hazey asks her.

"Tesoro, it was Megan's fault."

My head whips to her direction and my mouth falls open, "You liar."

Hazel narrows her eyes, "Stop blaming it on Meg and tell me the truth."

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