Chapter 5

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Olivia's POV

"Tutti are you okay, baby?" Sofia runs to her motorcycle as I get off of it.

I roll my eyes, "She's fine."

Sofia glares at me, "You can't just steal my bike."

I hand her my helmet, "Yes I can."

I go towards Mama's car and grab my suitcase. She chuckles when she sees me, "I've taught you well."

I lean toward her ear so Mom can't hear us, "Racing or teaching me how to get back at people?"

Mama shushes me, "Your mother has super hearing, if she finds out I taught you how to race she will burry me alive."

"What about racing?" Mom all of a sudden asks.

"Nothing cute eyes, we were just talking about watching races on TV." Mama panicky says.

I bite my lip to hold my laugh in. Mom grabs some stuff and walks in. Mama looks around and then motions for me to get closer to her and I do.

"I can't kill her honey but I can make her regret whatever she did."

I look at her confused, "What?"

She points at Sofia and I freeze, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I don't wait for her to respond. I grab my suitcase and start walking. The Villa has five rooms. Which means if I can convince Daniel and Garrett to sleep in the same room I don't have to share one with Sofia.

I look at the both of them helping take out suitcases. Hmmm who would be the best one to ask? Daniel probably he's more likely to say yes.

"Hey Danny, can you help me with my suitcase?"

He walks up to me and grabs it. We walk side by side.

"You and Garrett are gonna share a room right?"

Daniel shakes his head no, "Absolutely not. He's annoying to share a room with."

"Please share a room with him." I beg.

He stops and raises an eyebrow, "What do I get out of it?"

"I won't tell Aunt Kai you married her mom without telling her."

Daniel groans, "Garrett has a big mouth."

I laugh, "To be fair he was drunk."

"Fine, I'll share a room with him. But I know you're avoiding Sofia."

I start walking past him, "I'm not."

He grabs my hand and makes me stop, "What happened?"

I sigh, at some point we need to start telling people. Everyone is confused because we went from being inseparable to barely seeing each other.

"Being with her will always be my favorite memory, but her being a memory will always break my heart."

"What did she do?" He asks, concern ridden all over his face.

I slightly smile, "She did the one thing she knew would drive me away."

I get out of his hold and go upstairs to my room. These past few days I keep getting flashbacks of our time together and it's not helping. I thought two years was enough to move on but I guess not.


"I know I have Woody but I want another puppy." I tell Sofia as I barge into her office. She looks up smiling.

"What breed?"

I walk up to her and turn her chair, sitting on her lap, "You're not gonna say no?"

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