Chapter 15

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Olivia's POV

"Would you stop staring." I tell Jackson annoyed.

He smiles, "You seem in a good mood."

I watch Sofia as she's talking to Garrett. We landed about 15 minutes ago and we're waiting for the go ahead to leave. There's way too many paparazzis so they're trying to figure out the best way to leave.

"I know what you want me to say and I won't say it."

Jackson chuckles, "Mmm I don't know what you're talking."

Sofia and Garrett walking back to us cuts our conversation.

"We can't go around them so they best way is just to go through them."

Jackson and I get up and nod. I glance at Sofia again. I know she wants to talk about it but I don't.

We all start walking and as we walk farther I see all of the paparazzis ahead of us. Sofia is way better at handling them than I am. She has her sunglasses and hood of her hoodie on so she can't really be seen but I can. Ugh I should have grabbed my sunglasses too.

Sofia glances at me and sees how uncomfortable I am. She reaches for Jackson's hat and puts it on my head. Then she takes her sunglasses off and hands them to me.

"You don't have to."

"I want to." She replies.

I grab the sunglasses and put them on. Just as we're about to be stormed by paparazzis I grab her hand and interwine our fingers.

She looks down and I squeeze her hand, reassuring her. The headlines tomorrow are gonna be crazy but I don't care in this moment.

Jackson and Garrett keep everyone away from us but the flashes going off make me wince.

"Ms. Xavier, are you two back together?" A reporter yells at Sofia.

Sofia doesn't respond and holds on to my hand tighter trying to lead us out of the storm of people.

"Ms.Woods where did you go after the divorce?" Another reporter shouts.

"They're not going to be answering any questions." Jackson tells them.

We get outside and when the cold air hits me I shiver. Garrett opens the car door for us and we quickly get in.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "I swear they have nothing better to do."

Sofia nods, "I'm kinda used to it by now."

I take off the sunglasses. Jackson and Garrett get in and we start to drive away.

"You're gonna be staying at the penthouse while you're here."

I raise my eyebrow, "I'm not staying at your house."

Sofia brings the hood of her hoodie down, "I don't stay there anymore."

"Why not?"

She shrugs, "Too many memories that ate at me at night."

I give her a confused look I have no idea what she means.

"If I'm going there where are you going?"

"I have a meeting with Helen and I'll stay at my parents."

I take the hat off, "I'm coming with you to talk to Helen."

Sofia immediately shakes her head no, "This is a private meeting you can't be there."

"Is that code for sex?"

She groans, "I haven't had sex with her and I'm not going to either."

"Why is it a private meeting then?"

Sofia brings her head close to my ear, "I just had my fingers inside of you love, the least you could do is trust me a little." She whispers.

I look away to hide my blush and push her face away from me but she doesn't move. Sofia laughs and brushes her lips against my ear before she leans back.

She takes her seatbelt off and reaches into her back pocket and grabs her wallet. She takes out her black card and gives it to me.

"The meeting is private because I need something from her and she needs to think she's in control."

I play with the card in my hand, "What's this for?"

She puts her wallet away, "Use this to buy anything you want."

"I don't want it."

Sofia narrows her eyes, "I sent you half a million dollars when we got a divorce and I just checked you haven't used a cent of it."

I reach my hand out to give her card back, "I don't need your money, Xavier."

She pushes my hand back, "For once just don't argue. Take my card and buy whatever you want."

I groan and put her card in my purse. If she wants me to buy something then fine but she's gonna regret it.

"Take care of yourself Liv. Things are different than the last time you were here."

I look at her amusedly, "Do you think I can't handle myself?"

She smiles, "I'm not doubting you."

"Aren't you supposed to be the one taking care of me? You promised Mama."

Sofia smirks, "I already did take care of you on the jet, my love."

I groan, she's never gonna stop bringing that up. It's not my fault I had a moment of weakness.

I choose to ignore her for the rest of the car ride. They're dropping me off first. Before I know it we get to the penthouse. Just as I get out Sofia speaks.

"Jackson go with her." She tells him. I don't bother arguing I don't want to be alone in a big penthouse.

"Ne la laisse pas hors de ta vue." She tells him in French.

Damn it now I need to learn French to understand her.

Jackson nods, "Ne t'inquiète pas je vais la protéger."

"Okay what are you two talking about?" I ask annoyed.

Sofia smiles, "Just telling him to make sure you don't make a mess of my house."

I roll my eyes and close the door. Jackson and I walk into the lobby and go towards the elevator.

"Ms.Xavier is there anything I can get you?"

I groan, "Jackson do you have a death wish?"

I walk into the elevator and wait for him to come in. Then I push the penthouse button and look at him. We lock eyes and he leans back.

"You know you were an Xavier once so I get to call you that."

I look away, "Yeah and that was the biggest mistake I've ever made."

"She still loves you, Liv."

I resist the urge to frown, "Then she might have forgot that when her tongue was down someone else's throat."

"There's more to the story."

"She keeps saying the same thing but she never tells me what the fucking story is." I reply irritated.

Jackson clicks his tongue in thought. He takes out his gun and gives it to me. I grab it confused and he grabs my hand and brings the gun in front of his heart.

"What are you doing?"

"Shhh, just look at me." I stare into his eyes, confused.

"If you don't believe what I'm going to say next then you can shoot me. Don't even hesitate just shoot me."

I try to pull my hand back but he has a strong hold. I look up to his eyes again and they soften.

"Sofia loves you, she did what she had to do and I'm sure she would do it again to keep you safe. She didn't cheat on you, don't believe your eyes."

That's the second time he's said that. I'm gonna need that footage sooner than I though.

I stumble back and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I hold my heart, "What are you saying?"

"You're a smart girl, figure it out I already said too much."

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