Chapter 13

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Olivia's POV

I carry my suitcase to the living room and roll my eyes when I don't see Sofia. I look at Jackson and he shrugs.

She begs me to come with her and can't even get ready on time. I put my suitcase down and plop down on the couch. Where the hell could she be?

I look around the living room and Aunt Hazel walks in smirking, "If you're looking for Sofia she's in bed sick."

Interesting, I guess I was right she was getting sick. I fold my arms, "I wasn't looking for her. How sick is she?"

"Your mother gave her strawberries."

I jump up from the couch and look to the direction of Mama, "You did what? She's allergic to strawberries."

Mama breaks eyes contact, "How was I supposed to know that?"

Mom rolls her eyes at her, "You asked me to specifically get strawberries."

"Cute eyes you're supposed to be on my side."

I groan and walk towards Sofia's room, "Jackson you take our suitcases in the car."

"You always have to play Cupid don't you?" I hear Aunt Hazel ask Mama while laughing.

I barge into Sofia's room and she looks like she's dying. She's sitting on the bed but looks like is going to pass out at any second.

"Jesus I'm gonna kill her."

Sofia looks at me and weakly smiles, "I think Aunt Megan just tried killing me."

"Are you okay?"

She groans in pain and shakes her head no, "Everything is itchy and my eyes keep watering."

Just as I'm about to walk to her she immediately gets up from the bed and runs to the bathroom, emptying her stomach.

For the love of god what the fuck was Mama thinking. Sofia can't even be around strawberries. Just the smell of them makes her sick. She usually puts up with it because Mama loves her strawberry milkshakes but giving it to her is just on another level.

I help her get up and sit at the edge of the tup. Then I grab a cloth and wet it a little and gently caress it on her skin, "Do you want to leave later?"

She shakes her head no, "I won't have time to prepare for the trial. We can leave now can you just help me change."

I nod and leave her in the bathroom. I look around the room and see her clothes are on the chair. I grab them and walk back into the bathroom.

"Don't throw up on me." I warn.

She itches her hand, "No promises."

"Hands up." I tell her. She brings her hands up and I take her shirt off.

I grab her hoodie, "Can you breath fine?"

"Worried I'm gonna die, Love?" She smiles.

I put her hoodie on, "I'm the only that can kill you."

I kneel down and start unbuttoning her pants, "I'm so dizzy." She mumbles.

I take her pants off completely, I bite my lip, trying not to smile when I realize she's wearing SpongeBob underwear.

"How did she even manage to trick you into having strawberries?"

Sofia throws her head back against the wall and closes her eyes, "I went to go make us sandwiches to eat on the way to the airport and your mother told me she made a smoothie. The color of it was yellow so I didn't think it was freaking strawberries."

I put her new pants on and button them for her. Then I bring the hood of her hoodie up and she opens her eyes.

"Thank you." She whispers.

I hold my hand out and she grabs it getting up. Sofia coughs a few times and with each my heart beats a little faster. I was with her last time she accidentally had strawberries and we had to go to the hospital. I don't think Mama gave her a lot though because her symptoms don't seem bad.

Once we make our way to the living room everyone looks up with their eyes on us. I glare at Mama. She's lucky that Sofia is okay.

"We're gonna go to the airport." I tell them.

"Take care of my daughter." Mama says and Sofia nods.

I take a deep breath and look at everyone in the room. Since everyone's here might as well tell them. It's been two years anyway.

"Sofia and I dated all throughout high school. We eloped when I turned 18 then we moved in with each other but a year later we got a divorce. Don't ask why it's between us."

I look at Sofia and she doesn't even seem surprised I said all of that. Her hood is still up so I can't really see her eyes.

I look at our parents and their facial expressions surprise me.

Mama and Aunt Kai are smiling and Mom and Aunt Hazel are smirking.

"It's cute that you two thought we didn't know any of that." Aunt Hazel replies.

They start laughing and I groan of course they knew. I grab Sofia's hand and drag her outside. Jackson opens the car door for us. We both sit in the backseat and once Jackson starts driving Sofia whines.

"There's gonna be paparazzi at the airport and I look like shit."

"Ooo the fancy lawyer has returned and everyone wants her attention." I mock.

She smiles, "You know very well I'm not a lawyer Liv, I just run the company."

"You could basically be one, you know everything." I mumble.

"They're gonna be there for you."

I turn my head and look at her shocked, "What do you mean me?"

"The "It" couple is back together is what I think the headlines were saying."

"How did they know I was coming with you?"

Sofia coughs, "I had to put your name on the passenger list and I guess someone took a picture of that."

Of course. I'm just unlucky, the news of the divorce hit the papers so fast. I barely made it out of Italy in time without being photographed. Sofia wasn't that lucky though Paparazzi follows her everywhere she goes so that means she didn't even get a second to breath after the divorce.

Sofia makes people's problems disappear no matter how challenging so it's no wonder that she's famous for it.

I zone out the most of the car ride to the airport. Once we get there Sofia gets out first and holds the door open for me. I follow her and we walk into the jet. Garrett is already here, he left early to get the jet ready. Jackson and Gary sit together and I sit by them.

Sofia glances at me and then goes past all of us. She goes into the mini room and closes the door behind her.

"She's probably tired." Jackson mumbles.

I wait a few seconds before getting up from my seat and going towards the door. I don't even bother knocking I just walk in. Sofia is in the middle of taking her shirt off but once she notices me she doesn't take it off.

I close the door behind me and lock it, "Why did you stop?"

"What are you doing?"

I walk to her and gently push her on the bed, "Is this room soundproof?"

She nods hesitantly. I want her. I don't know what awaits us in Italy and I just want her to myself before we get there. If I have to see that footage and go through her cheating on me all over again then I want a little treat beforehand.

This might be the last time I can have her. I get on the bed and straddle her lap. She gulps, "I don't think this is a good idea."

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