Chapter 8

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Sofia's POV

"I have a bad feeling about tonight." I tell Jackson as he hands me a drink and I down it in one breath.

"Relax, I'm here."

I sit down, "There's so much attention on me because of the case."

He sits down next to me, "You haven't even convinced Olivia, nothing will happen if she doesn't come."

"Let's face it Jackson she's not coming. I will perjure myself if I have to, I need to save that poor girl."

Jackson hands me another drink, "You haven't even tried convincing Olivia."

I drink the whiskey in one breath again and sigh, "I cheated remember?" I sarcastically laugh.

He frowns, "You've heard that so many times you're starting to believe it yourself. Don't give in that's what he wants."


"You fucking dumbass." Jackson yells at me as he's stitching the bullet wound closed.

I throw my head back in pain, "She fucking shot me."

"I can see that. Why didn't you wait for me I was trying to fix it."

I wipe my eyes furiously so I don't start crying. I just lost the love of my life and I can't even take one second to breath.

"This was the best option."

He finishes stitching and starts wrapping my arm, "The whole freaking city is gonna find out about the divorce."

I grab his shirt, "I don't care who finds out as long as it's not our parents. You do everything in your power to not let this get back to them. I don't even want them to know we were dating."

He nods, "Did you actually sign the papers?"

I let go of his shirt, "It took everything in me."

Jackson sighs, "I was trying to fix it."

"It's been months." I yell, "We've been trying everything in our power to fix it for months. I won't jeopardize her safety like that."

"But you love her." He raises his voice slightly irritated.

"And that's why," I whisper, "I rather she hate me and be safe than risk her getting hurt."

I think Jackson realizes that I'm on the verge of breaking down because he quickly brings me into a hug.

He slowly rubs my back, "When the time is right I'll help you get her back."

End of flashback

People gasping snaps me out of my thoughts. I bring my attention to the entrance. Olivia walks in wearing a white gown. She's so beautiful I can't even be upset.

"Gosh I love that Woman." Jackson says from next to me.

I glare at him and he holds both his hands up, "What? It's funny to what extends she goes to piss you off."

Olivia looks around the room, she makes eye contact with me but of course she goes to other tables first.

"Why won't you just tell her the truth?" Jackson whispers.

I keep my eyes on her while Olivia is greeting people, "It's still not safe."

"I think Mrs.Woods knows."

That catches my attention and I look away from Olivia, "Why do you say that?"

"I can't be sure but she increased security 3 months ago and your mom did the same last week."

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