Chapter 7

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Sofia's POV

The loud music makes me wince. Why do they need to listen to music that loud. I swear people in love acts crazy. They're playing board games I don't even know why they need music.

I try to tune out the music and focus on the boiling the water. They didn't get cup noodles so now I have to stand here and wait until the noodles are cooked.

I lean back against the counter and throw my head back closing my eyes. I don't even know what I was thinking coming here. She did warn me that I would regret it and I do. Gosh it took everything in me not to run after her the second she closed that door.

This time I'm not giving up on her. I've had two years to think and I can't live without her. I'm not gonna leave until she's mine again.

"Are you trying to burn the house down?" I open my eyes and see Aunt Megan turning off the stove.

"Sorry." I mumble.

She leans against the wall of the kitchen drinking a strawberry milkshake.

"How's everything going?" She asks.

"Good, the law firm is still one of the best."

"I heard about the big case that you guys are gonna have in two months."

I nod, "Yeah, hopefully Olivia testifying is gonna help us win since the girl was her roommate in college."

Aunt Megan hums, "Does she know that's why you're here?"

"I told her yesterday but that's not the only reason I'm here."

She sits on top of the counter and looks at me curiously, "Took you two years."

"What?" I ask confused.

Aunt Megan's face turns serious, "You're lucky you're my goddaughter if it was anyone else they would have already been six feet under."

I frown does she know? Did Olivia tell her?

"Sweetheart can you come here." Aunt Avery yells over the music.

She jumps off the counter, "Gotta go my beautiful wife has summoned me."

I chuckle and nod but when she's passing me she stops right next to me, "I love you Sofia and I have since the second you were born but don't take me for a fool. Don't think for a second that I don't know what you did to my daughter two years ago." I gulp and stay silent.

"Break her heart again and I don't care who you are you will regret it for the rest of your life."

"I did my best." I whisper.

She nods her head, "I know. I love you, kid."

"I love you too." I reply and she walks out.

I look at the boiled water and sigh. I need to go for a ride. I put everything in the sink and walk out of the kitchen. Everyone is playing monopoly expect Olivia. She's watching our parents amusingly. I smile when she starts laughing, she looks so beautiful.

Once she senses a pair of eyes on her Olivia looks up and we lock eyes. Her smile drops and my stomach churns. I quickly look away from her and make my way outside. She always looked happy when she saw me.

I grab my helmet and step outside. Just as I'm about to get on my bike I hear footsteps

"Ms. Xavier wouldn't like you riding when you're upset."

I turn my head and look at Jackson, "We're divorced she wouldn't like you calling her that."

He shrugs, "I'm here to humble you two so it's okay if she shoots me like she did with you."

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