(43) I love you Jai

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I was awakened by my phone vibrating on my pillow. I looked at the caller id, it was Jai. I looked around my room and saw Austin sleeping on the couch next to my window, he insisted on staying until i fell asleep.
I quickly got up, put on my slippers and walked downstairs into my closet. As i shut the door i answered.
"Hello?", I asked.
"Camila, hi.", i heard Jai's voice. As mad as i was at him for just leaving without giving me an explanation and for telling people that we supposedly had sex he brought a smile to my face.
"What the fuck Jai screw you, I'm so freaking mad at you. Why would you just leave without saying anything, I've been so worried knocking on your door every damn day even though i knew you weren't home. I don't even care about the whole Thomas thing anymore, i just need you. You don't know how many things I've been wanting to talk to you about and you are just chilling not giving a shit about how worried your friends are, especially me.", said with tears falling down my cheeks.
"I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be but i just had to come back home and get my mind off of everything. Lauren called me and told me that you go everyday to knock on my door, and call me everyday. Im so sorry Camz.", he spoke in his Australian accent which i loved so much.
"Don't apologize Jai, it fine I'm the one who's sorry. I overreacted but I'm still mad because you didn't let me know. Anyways when are you coming back?", i asked.
"I leave tomorrow but arrive over there the next day so basically on Tuesday."
"Yay, so how's your trip been?", i asked as i sat down on my porch.
"Its been great, I actually really needed this. I missed the beach, being able to drink without it being illegal, and the people here which are so accepting and nice, and obviously my family.", he sighed.
At that point my hand was tired from holding my phone up so i put it on speaker. The fact that he felt better made me happy.
"That's so great babe, I'm so happy you're relaxed and enjoying yourself back home."
"Camz during summer vacation im bringing you with me to Australia so you can meet my family and get drunk as fuck like last time when we were downstairs in your closet.", he said before he started laughing uncontrollably.
"Jai! You said we would never bring that up ever again! Oh my gosh that was so fun though. Your family would probably hate me for drinking with their baby.", i giggled.
"Sorry sorry, that is just something that i will never forget. Camz my family would love you, my parents are like obsessed with you, they're always talking about how great you are. They worship you so im pretty sure my family over here would do the same. I mean you are a person you can immediately love and appreciate."
"Aw Jai, i know i am. Haha just kidding. Fine ill go with you, but only because its legal for eighteen year olds to drink over there."
"Wow so young and so alcoholic, damn babe thats bad.", he said laughing.
"Shut up you dork! I am not am alcoholic."
"Yeah sure whatever, hey listen i have to go, ill talk to you later okay?", he sighed.
"Okay, i love you Jai dont ever forget that, bye.", i smiled.
"I lo-love you too, bye Camz."

I hung the phone up and walked back into the house to find Austin sitting down on the couch. "Hey, good morning sleeping beauty.", i said to Austin. "Hi, im going to leave now i have to um go do some things bye."
"Dont you want to stay for breakfast? I thought you would stay so that we could go catch a movie later.", i frowned.
"Uhm not today sorry, ill talk to you later bye Camila."
"Okay bye.", i said while standing on my tip toes to kiss his cheek but he pulled away and walked out the door without saying a word.
As he shut the door i let out a really deep breath. I was so confused as to why he acted so weird right now. I felt so sad and upset in that moment so i decided to grab Mia and watch a movie upstairs.
As we were watching If i Stay my eyes began to feel heavier and heavier. Within a few minutes i closed my eyes and fell asleep.

hey guys im SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO SO sorry for the chapter not being put up. i had it ready and i seriously published it but i don't know what happened. schools over and im spending some time in Mexico with my grandparents and cousins that came from st Louis. when i have free time i promise i will do my best to write as much as i can and update for you guys. Thank you for being so patient with me lmao.

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