(47) Is he going to be okay?

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"Oh my gosh baby I'm so proud of you!", my mom said excitedly as she hugged me.
"I just don't know what to do mama, I've always dreamed of going to UCLA like you, dad, and uncle Jerry did but Juilliard is like the best music and art school in the country.", i groaned. This whole college thing is making me go crazy. I haven't told anyone about Juilliard except for my mom and Lauren.
"Look mija i think you should check Juilliard out, go to this orientation thingy and if you feel like its not your thing then UCLA it is."
"Yeah i guess you're right mama. Im going to call them and tell them that i am going. Is it okay if i take Lauren with me for the plus one?", i asked.
"Of course why wouldn't it baby doll?", she smiled.
"I don't know i just didn't know if you wanted to go."
"As much as i want to, i cant just leave work right away and your brothers alone for a whole weekend. Wait why are you going with Laur and not Jai?", she questioned me.

"Um i haven't..he can't go. He has a whole bunch of stuff to do this weekend with his family.", i lied.
"Well i bet if i talked to his parents he could go. Let me give em a ca-", she said as she picked up her cell phone and began to dial numbers.

"No! Don't. He doesn't know about Juilliard, i lied to him and told him i didn't get accepted mama.", i let it out afraid that she would call them.
"But why would you lie about something this big and exciting baby?"
"Well you know how we had made plans to move to LA together after high school? Well he's just so excited about me getting accepted into my dream school and about the house and his friends and brothers coming back from Melbourne and moving in. And I'm scared that if i tell him he's going to think i don't want to go with him to LA and he's gonna be all bummed out.", i said as tears fell down my cheeks.
"I get why you're scared Camila but lying won't help. In order to have a great friendship there has to be trust, love, and support. You and Jai share all of that so don't ruin it just because you're scared to hurt him.", she wiped the tears of my face and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"You're right, thank for the advice mama, you always know what to say. Im gonna go shower and get ready to go with  Jai. Love you."
"I love you too, now go and shower."

I headed upstairs and into my room, i got in the shower thinking about everything. I honestly don't know what to do, i just want to punch someone and rip my hair out.

A few minutes later i got out of the shower and got dressed. I was wearing some denim high waisted jeans and a striped crop top.  My hair was very difficult to work with today so i simply let it be and went with my natural hair. I applied very little makeup, as I finished winging my eyeliner Alex walked in. "Hey sis"
"Hey." I smiled.
"Where ya going?", he asked while he basically jumped on my bed.
"With Jai, why?"
"Just asking, so? I heard you and mom talking about UCLA is everything good?"
"Yeah, well not really. I got a scholarship to Juilliard and i don't know what to do. You know how badly i wanted to go to UCLA but now i have to choose between New York and LA.", i said frustrated as hell.
"Look sis I'm just saying, i think you should go with what you really want, what you think is best for you. In my personal opinion i think UCLA is the best for you, like you've always wanted to go there and you've got a fucking music and cheer scholarship to that school plus you'll be taking your occupational therapy classes. Juilliard is all about music nothing else, sure theres a plus side which is the location but who do ya got up there? No one. At least you'll have your friends and Jai in L.A. But like i said it my opinion, you don't gotta listen to me.", he chuckled before walking out and back into his room.
He was right about the 'Who do you got up there?' I don't know anyone in New York what the hell am I thinking.
Before i could think some more about the schools i got a call from Jai,
J: 'Hey I'm ready, do you want me to pick you up or should we meet at the mall?'
C: 'Let's carpool, I'm ready I'll meet you outside:)
I grabbed all of my crap and headed outside to find Jai parked in my driveway.
"Damn it's about time you got here, you take forever was traffic really that bad? I mean its only a couple of yards.", i said sarcastically.
"Sorry madam there was a lot of traffic on my 8 second drive from my driveway to yours.", he giggled.
"So are you ready?", he smiled.
"Yes of course, what female is never ready to shop til they drop?"
"Oh not you that's for sure madam, let's get going then.", Jai said in an American accent which always made me crack up.

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