(46) NY vs LA

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"Open them already damn Camila you're making me so nervous and they're not even mine.", Jai said urging me to open my letters.
"What if they both say no.", i sighed.
"Then both schools are too stupid for your smart and amazing self.", Jai said with a huge smile on his face.
"Okay, lets do it.", I said as I ripped open the letter from UCLA.
"Dear Karla, Congratulations! On behalf of the faculty and staff of University of California in Los Angeles, it is with great pleasure that i inform you of your admission into UCLA. You were selected from an extraordinary accomplished and academically talented group of applicants. You and you classmates are truly outstanding in your achievements the breadth of your talents, interests and potential. Pursuing your undergraduate degree is one of the most exciting times in your life. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, i am proud to welcome you to the community. The unique qualities you will bring to campus are sure to enrich the spirit and culture of University of California in Los Angeles. We cant wait to have such a bright and determined student student like you on campus!
Sincerely, Renee Lopez
Director of Admissions"
"Oh my gosh Jai i got in, I'm in!",
"Are you serious? Oh my gosh i knew you would!", he said picking me up and embracing me in a tight and well needed hug.

I couldn't believe i actually got accepted into UCLA, wow.
"Open the Juilliard letter!", he waved the letter in my face.
"Okay okay.", I ripped the envelope open and read it to myself to save Jai the rant about how i didn't get accepted.
'Blah blah blah We are so excited to have such a bright and extremely talented student like yourself on our campus. We cant wait to see you and the rest of your classmates who received a scholarship to our school in the fall. We will be having a orientation for our scholars in three weeks. Please contact us at this number to confirm your attendance.
Sincerely Brad Holliday, Dean of Admissions.
I stared at the letter for what seemed like hours but it was only a few seconds. "Camz what does it say?!", Jai asked for the third time.
"Oh um i- i didn't get in.", i lied.
"What?! Thats bullcrap, they're missing out on the best singer in the world. At least you've got UCLA and you've got me.", he said as he pushed the hair out of my face and looked into my eyes.
"Are you okay?", he asked.
"Yeah im fine, um i think you should go now. Im really tired and want to go to bed now." I said in a low voice.
"Oh yeah sure no problem, im tired too. Ill see you tomorrow?"
"What's tomorrow again?", i asked.
"Oh it's my mums birthday tomorrow, remember the surprise party we planned last week?"
"Oh yeah yeah sorry i guess the sleepiness is getting to me. Okay ill call you tomorrow, goodnight and  thanks for coming."
"Goodnight, if you need anything ill be across the street.", Jai smiled and winked at me before he walked out.
I shut the door and locked it, as soon as i saw Jai go in his house i ran up the stairs and back down laughing and smiling. I couldn't believe i got full ride scholarships to both of my dream schools. I sat down on the couch and it hit me, i have to choose one school. One is in New York and the other in LA. I have always dreamed of going to New York but i have always wanted to live in Los Angeles. I couldn't just leave my mom, and Andrew. Alex was going to college in Florida and moving in with Austin, which was so hard for me to take in when he told us. I have always been with my brothers and now I'm being separated from both of them. 
I didn't tell Jai i got into Juilliard because we had made some plans for what we'd do after high school. He was going to get a house in LA with his friends from Australia and his brothers with money they've saved up since they were kids and what YouTube had payed them for their videos. The house they were getting has six rooms, a pool, a beautiful view of LA a big guesthouse which has its own garage and pool. I haven't really seen the inside of the house but Jai told me it was pretty big. Anyways when he was telling me about the house he told me that since I'm going to UCLA i could move into the guesthouse or the room inside the house so i wouldn't have to deal with dorm-mates which i really don't want to deal with. I agreed to that because i honestly didn't think i would get into Juilliard much less get a scholarship. The only reason i applied was because Ms. Carson recommended me for their scholarship thingy and she got a whole bunch of people to write me recommendation letters and my grades were really good, i participated in like six different clubs, played on two varsity teams so i guess it all summed up. I would love to go to New York but its so far from home and my family and friends. No matter which I choose Alex with still be thousands of miles away. I would be 26 hours away from Andrew and my parents if i went to NY and 18 hours away if i were in Los Angeles. I didn't know what to do, as great as Juilliard is i don't want to be in New York all alone, sure i can make friends but they're not my choir girls or Jai and Austin. If i went to LA i would have all my girls plus Jai and the boys.
I don't know if i should keep Juilliard a secret and just go to LA or of i should at least go to the meeting/orientation thingy and see what happens.

After hours of sitting on my couch thinking about all the pros and cons i went upstairs into my room and went straight to bed. As soon as my head landed on my pillow it was lights out.

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