(44) Susan Reyes

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I was sitting on the couch looking out the window, waiting for the mailman to arrive. My hands were so sweaty and i felt sick, colleges were already starting to send acceptance letters to students, and they were also sending letters to the ones who didn't get accepted.
I gave up after an hour of staring out the window like a creep, so i began to text Jai, he was on the plane on his way back and i was so excited to see him.
On the other hand, Austin refuses to talk to me, I've sent him texts everyday and even go to his house but Mama Mahone tells me that he doesn't feel good, or that he's not there. I know that he's there, because every time I go he is looking out his window at me and when i look back he turns around.
I don't know why he's acting like this because last time I checked, he was the one who screwed up not me.

I got up and fixed my black halter top which was crooked from rolling on the ground with Mia. As i was walking up the stairs my phone rang, it was a text message from Jai, I stopped walking and unlocked my phone to open the message.

Jai Brooks: hey camz☺️
Me: hi, how's your flight?
Jai Brooks: I got off my plane like 45 minutes ago
Me: oh yay so where are you then?
Jai Brooks: at the airport
Me: wth why are you still there?

He he didn't reply back so meanwhile I walked upstairs and went into my room waiting for him to text back. eventually about 20 minutes passed and he didn't reply, so I texted him.

Me: Jai..
He immediately replied back.
Jai Brooks: My parents are stuck in traffic all the way downtown so they probably won't be here for another hour or two, so I'm here like a loner sitting down in a corner of the airport.
Me: you dork why didn't you text me or call me I would've picked you up right away silly
Jai Brooks: I know but i didn't want to bother you
Me: ay Jai, ill be there in 10☺️
Jai Brooks: okay thank you, i cant wait to see you i missed you so much❤️
Me: same here love
I arrived at the airport quicker than I expected, i parked and walked towards the main entrance. I texted Jai and told him i was here in the parking lot parking and he said he was getting the rest of his luggage and that he would be in the front. While i was walking a woman, who looked like she was in her mid twenties was struggling to put her luggage into her van so i ran up to her and helped her.
"Thank you so much, youre such a doll, my crew are still inside getting our other equipment. Hey aren't you Camila Conscan-Cont-Cotstan-", she struggled to pronounce my last name.
"Constancio..but have we met before?", i asked the petite blonde.
"No, um I'm Susan Reyes, editor in chief of Seventeen magazine. I just recognized you from Austin Mahone's social media and his phone lock screen.", she giggled.
"How do you know Austin?", i asked.
"I've interviewed him before, actually that's why I'm here in San Antonio, for another interview.", she smiled.
"Oh.", i nodded my head.
"Camila, do you mind if i ask you a few questions, it'll take less than five minutes?"
"Um i have to-sure why not.", i smiled.
"Tell me a but about yourself, such as age, hobbies, job, etcetera."
"Well im Camila Constancio, i was born and raised here in San Antonio with my two brothers. Im eighteen years old and i sing, cheer and used to play softball and soccer. I like to compose music and read books.", i laughed a bit.
Susan was writing down everything i was saying.
"So how did you meet Austin and what is your relationship with him? ", she shot the question at me.
"Um i knew who Austin was ever since elementary school but we didnt really like each other. We actually started to talk a bit more in eighth grade when we were partners for a science project. I really liked Austin from that moment and on, I thought he was so funny and nice. We didnt talk after eight grade because he switched schools but sophomore year we started talking more and we became really close.", i smiled.
"Wow that's crazy haha, so Camila we heard that you and Austin were more than just friends, can you confirm that?"
"Um we are more than just friends..we're best friends. Im kidding, i actually dont think its right for me to answer that question. Um i think you should ask Austin that question.", i said while texting Jai that i was in the parking lot.
"Alright, that's okay, i guess we'll have to ask Austin about those dating rumours Which are saying he's dating you or Nina. Anyways thank you so much Camila, you are such a doll, have a wonderful trip.", the editor smiled at me.
"Im actually picking someone up but thanks.", i smiled and walked towards the main entrance.

I was about to enter the airport when i felt someone poke the sides of my stomach.
"Oh my gosh!", i yelled as i turned around.
In front of me stood Jai, "Jai, oh my gosh i missed you so much! Wow you look so different!", i said as I scanned him up and down. His hair was the same, so was his face, I noticed his arm he had started his tattoo sleeve.
"Jai you got the tattoos without me?!", i said while pouting.
"Oh shut up and hug me you dork.", he said as he pulled me towards him. While i was hugging him i felt something within me, i felt really comfortable and safe in his arms.
"I missed you so much Jai.", i sighed.
"I missed you too Mila.", he smiled at me.
I grabbed him and kissed his cheek, "Your cheeks look really squishy today."
"Come on lets go.", he smiled as he wrapped his arm around me.
I was dragging his suitcase as we were walking to my car, when i see a flash and hear a couple of shutter sounds."
"What the-", Jai yelled as he saw two guys with cameras in front of us.
"Come on Jai let's just go, they're paparazzi for a magazine.", i said as I recognized Susan who was behind her magazine picture guys.
"Sorry about that, have a nice day goodbye Camila i hope to see you again.", she smiled at me as she waved her hand.
"Bye Susan.", i faked a smile.
Something told me that this wouldn't be last time I saw Susan Reyes. After we drove out of the parking space we drove off and spent the rest of the day at Jai's house.

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