(30) 21 Questions

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"Im really sorry Camz" Jai said running his hand over my hair as i layed on his chest. "Eh its fine i just need to stop letting people into my life so easily. You know that saying 'Trust needs to be earned'?" I said to Jai, we were talking about Austin and Nina. "Have i earned your trust?" Jai asked me. I thought about it for a moment. "Definitely" I smiled. "Good" he said pinching my cheek.

He got up and walked downstairs, "Where are you going?!" I yelled to Jai. "I have something for you, just wait here"

I sat in the living room waiting for Jai, about ten minutes later he came in with something in his arms but i couldn't see, he quickly ran upstairs into my room. "Jai I'm tired, and I'm not gonna keep running up and down the stairs." "Just hurry up lazy butt!"

I finally got to my room and there on my bed was the cutest dog i have ever seen. "Jai oh my god!"

"What oh god i cant even!" I yelled. "Shes all yours" he said handing me the dog. "Oh my gosh"

We played with the dog all day up in my room, we also went to Petsmart and bought 'Mia' a whole bunch of toys, dresses, bows and treats.

I had such an amazing day today, i had completely forgotten about what had happened in Miami until Austin called me twelve times in a row. He left seven voicemails saying how sorry he is and that he loves me. He hasn't stopped calling me since i got back to San Antonio, im dont want to answer him because i know that i will give in and forgive him.

We got back to the house around twelve am and watched a movie "Thank you so much Jai i had such an amazing day thanks to you" i hugged him. "I just wanted to see to smile." He said.

I smiled. "Thank you you're amazing." I hugged him. As we pulled apart i looked up at him, "You know Brooks i wish every guy was as sweet and caring as you" He smiled.

He pushed my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. He leaned in towards me, i didn't know what to do. He pressed his lips onto mine. As soon as i actually realized what i was doing i got a flashback of Austin and I at the park, we were seeing who could go the highest on the swings. I threw myself of the swing pretending to hurt myself. Austin rushed over and checked to see if i was okay. When he leaned in to check my face i jumped up and kissed him.

I pulled away. "Im sorry Jai i cant do this.." Tears rolled down my cheeks. "No I'm sorry, i shouldn't of done that." "Im sorry i just..i still love Austin." "Yea i know that. I dont know what happened. Um ill see you later goodnight" he said walking to his house. "Jai.." I called him. He just walked into his house.

Im trying to get over Austin but i cant, i love him. But when Jai kissed me that night at the hospital i felt something, and today.. I liked it. I don't know whats going on with me.

Jai hasn't talked to me in five days, i keep calling his cell phone and going over to check if he's home but he's 'not here' every single time i go. Schools starts really soon, well next week. Austin is in Miami working with songwriters and music producers so i dont know if hes coming back.

I called Robert and asked him in he wanted to hangout, he said yes.

I was laying on my bed since i had nothing to do waiting for Robert to get here. I heard a knock on the door, i ran down the stairs. My mom was i Vancouver with Vincent, Drew and Alex are at my dads so I'm by myself. "Hi oh my god!" I jumped into Roberts arms, he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around his back. "Hey, i missed you" he said putting me down. "Sorry i haven't called I've been busy and..its just really complicated." i laughed.

"So are you and Austin back together?" he asked me. "No" i frowned. "Oh"

We ended up talking and talking for hours, at around four we walked to the park.

I miss my friends, my friends before i met Austin like Destiny, Lauren, and Sarah.

"Lets see who can go the highest!" Rob yelled running towards the swing set.

I frowned, this is what Austin and i used to do every time we came to the park. I snapped out of it and ran to the swing set. At first i was going the highest but then Robert started beating me. "Lets jump on three, ready!?" "One, two, three!"

We both let go and jumped off, i landed on my butt on the sand. Robert landed about three feet away from me. Rob and i started to laugh.

After about three hours of being in the park we walked to Whataburger. "What can i get for ya'll?" the cashier asked. "Um can i get a number one with no mayo, onions, or mustard and a number three."

"Alright will that be all?" she asked.

"Yes" he replied smiling. "Okay its gonna be eight seventy two"

I was about to pull my wallet out to pay but Robert pulled my hands away from my purse, "My treat" he smiled.

After he payed we grabbed our drinks and sat down at a table. "Order 62" an employee yelled. I got up to go and get the tray of food, "Thank you" "No prob darlin."

We finished eating and began to walk home, Robert had his hand over my shoulders. "I had fun today Cabello" "I did too, thanks Rob"

we walked into my house and we decided to watch movies on Netflix up in my room. "How about we watch Spiderman?" i suggested. "I chose the right girl to have a crush on" he smiled.

I pretended i didn't hear him and turned to the tv.

I began to get cold when Peter was jumping off the building and hit a truck. I got up, walked up the stairs into my room and grabbed my blanket and a sweater. Just as i was leaving my room my phone began to vibrate. I answered without looking at who it was. "Hello?" i spoke. "Camila, its me." I recognized his voice the minute he said my name i took a deep breath.

"Austin, hi"

"How are you?" he asked me.

"Um I'm okay, how about you?"

"I've been better, I just left the airport what are you doing?" i could hear his heavy breathing, he's probably outside walking or in his car.

"Im watching a movie..with Robert"

"With Rob?" he asked.

"Yea, no one was home so i invited him over because i was bored."

"Oh, wheres Jai?"

"His house i guess. I don't know."

"Aren't you two like always toge-"

"What did you need Austin we're not playing 21 questions." i said beginning to get angry.

"I just wanted to know how you were doing. And i wanted to ask you if you could meet me somewhere tomorrow?"

"I dont know im going to be busy,school starts next week."

"Yea i know but i just really need to talk to you." he said.

"Then talk."

"Cam." he said.

"If you're going to say something say it and if you dont then good night."

"Look i know you're angry and upset. But theres no need for you to yell or be rude, whats done is done and you being rude and acting like you want to kill me isn't going to change anything. But um ill talk to you later, bye i love you." And he hung up.

I felt bad. I know i shouldn't but i do. I was a bit rude and mean. I locked my phone and walked back downstairs to the couch.







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Thx ily(:

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