(45) Fifth Harmony/Take a Chance

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We were having a sleepover at Lauren's family cabin in New Mexico this weekend and we were talking about the girl group Dinah had mentioned. Everyone was in right away, which was a huge surprise to Dinah and I because we both thought they wouldn't be interested.
We were still deciding on the name, Dinah and Normani came up with LYLAS which stood for Love You Like a Sister, Lauren came up with 1432 which stood for I love you too. Ally and I still had to suggest a name but i had nothing. I was texting Jai telling him about how we all agreed to joining all our harmonies and become one, well we were five.
It wasn't until a few minutes when Jai called me, "Camila put me on speaker fast before i forget what im about to tell you!", Jai yelled into the phone.
"Girls Jai 'needs' to tell us something.", i said as i waved the girls over to the phone.
"Yes Brooks?", Lauren spoke.
"Fifth Harmony.", Jai whispered into the phone.
"What?", Normani asked.
"I think he said Fifth Harmony.", i smiled.
Fifth Harmony, i liked it, it sounds like a good stage name.
"I love it.", Dinah and Lauren said in unison.
"Yeah so do I.", Ally added.
"Same here, how bout you Camz?" Normani asked me as she smiled.
"Jai, you are a genius. I fucking love you.", i said. The girls laughed along with Jai, "So it's settled, you ladies are now Fifth Harmony!", Jai yelled in his Australian accent.
After a few minutes of laughing and joking around Jai had to hang up. We all were so happy and excited for whats to come in the future.
"Hey Camila?", i turned to find Lauren standing at the bathroom door .
"Yeah.", i replied.
"I know you dont like talking about this stuff but Jai is a really good guy, i mean im pretty sure you already know that. But what i really want to say is, that poor guy has been after you since you guys were like three and i would know because i was there. He really likes you and cares about you, as your best friend im telling you to let go of Austin and give Brooks a chance. I can tell you both really like and care for each other but you need to get over Austin. I know you were in love with Mahone but he hurt you in a way that Jai would never in his life would."
"Laur you dont think ive tried so hard to get over him? Its harder than you think, we go to the same school, the same church, our moms are best friends. I see him everywhere i go and when i see him my heart shatters. I mean i dont look at him the way i used to, but i promise im trying so hard to get over him.", a tear escaped from my eye.
"Jai told me, you know about you guys kissing.", Lauren smirked.
"He did? What did he say?", i asked curiously as i ran my fingers through my hair.
"He was so happy and all he would talk about was how hard it was for him to accept the fact that you dont love him, that the only guy you had eyes for was Austin."
"Lauren.", I interrupted her.
"I do have feelings for Jai, i mean he and Luke were my first crushes.", i laughed while I remembered how my mom would tease me about it.
"Why Luke?", Lauren asked as she raised an eyebrow.
"Laur they're twins, if you like one of them you have to like the other one. Anyways I honestly thought he and i would probably end up together because of our friendship and our parents being good friends. That night when we kissed i felt something that Austin never made me feel. I felt so, i don't know but every time we hug or when we're together i feel like i can be myself and i feel so safe. Trust me Laur i have thought about me and Jai since we we're little, but it wouldn't be fair to him if we were in relationship because i am still not over Austin."
"As much as i love Austin he is a douche, he screwed up your life.You need a guy who will make you feel safe, who you can be yourself with. Whether its Jai or not, you deserve someone who truly values you because you are such a beautiful person inside and out. What i don't understand is how you could give him another chance after how bad he hurt you?", the brunette said as she took a seat next to me.
"Its love, it makes you do weird and stupid things."
"Camz are you willing to take the risk of him hurting you again?"
"I don't know Lauren. I don't want to get hurt again but he was one of the great things in my life that didn't judge me and liked me for me."
"Camila cuando vas a entender?! He cheated, he lied and betrayed you. If he really did love you so much he wouldn't of cheated on you!" , she yelled.
To be honest I was kind of scared, Lauren had never yelled at me like this before, i feel like she's been holding it in all this time. I knew she was right about Jai and Austin. I do have feelings for Jai but i need to get over Austin.
"You're right. Jai wouldn't do that to me. Austin didn't care enough to think of me while he was with that girl. You're right, ill give Jai a shot.", i sighed.
Lauren sat next to me on the staircase, "As your best friend I only want whats best for you and you know that. And right now Jai is the best thing for you, he loves and supports you. Thats what you need from a guy, support."
I nodded and walked upstairs to go get my stuff ready. We were heading back home for the last week of school, we had already gotten our prom and graduation dresses at this really nice dress boutique Dinah's family owns.
I couldn't wait to get home, my mom had texted me saying that i had gotten letters from UCLA and Julliard. I was so nervous, they could both say yes, they could both say no or one could say yes.
"Camz lets go.", Normani said as she helped with my suitcase.
The whole 5 hours of being in the car consisted of me thinking about college and Jai. I didnt know what to do.

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