(36) ICU

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I ran into the hospital with my shoes in my hands about to fall. I searched the emergency room for Michele, I finally found her sitting in a corner crying into her hands.

"Mama Mahone."

She looked up at me and smiled, "Oh Camila, thank you so much for coming."

"Mama what happened?" i asked as I wiped the tears from her face.

"He was at the fair downtown earlier and Zach had brought him back home early because Austin's chest started hurting after they got off this big ride, and when he got home he was going up to his room, i was in the kitchen and i heard this loud noise so i ran to the staircase and there was Austin lying on the floor unconscious."

"Oh my god and have they told you anything?" I asked.

"No not yet..Camila im so scared. First his dad then Mema and now him. He's all I've got and if something happens to him I don't know what I'd do with out him." she sobbed.

"Mama don't say that, he's going to be okay. Its all gonna be okay, you're not alone. Im here for you, I'll always be here for you guys no matter what, I promise." i said, meaning every single word as I pulled her into a hug.

"Im so glad Austin has you Mila." she smiled as we separated from the hug.

A few minutes later Michele got up to go getus coffee from the cafeteria. She asked me to stay here in the waiting room just in case the doctors came out with any news.

I haven't felt this scared in a long time.
'Im so glad Austin has you.' , Kept repeating in my head. I felt so guilty when Michele said that to me, I didn't know what to say. I felt so guilty because i was pushing Austin away while he was doing everything he could to keep me in his life, even if we're only friends. I want nothing more than for things to be okay with Austin and I, but I'm scared. Im scared of getting hurt again.

"Family of Austin Carter Mahone!", a man who I'm assuming is the doctor yelled into the waiting room.

"Hi"i smiled as i basically ran up to him. "Are you the mother?" He asked me. I laughed, "Geez, do i really look that old? No um Im his..girlfriend."

"Oh dear, Im sorry i just assumed you were the mother since Nancy told me she was sitting alone." he laughed.

"Its fine, um his mom actually went to the cafeteria, do you mind if we wait for her?" I asked.

"Of course not." he smiled.

"Im doctor Hernandez by the way." he said stretching his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you doctor Hernandez, I'm Camila Constancio."

"Hey i know you, you sing for SAHS." he smiled.

"Yeah i do." I laughed.

"Wait are you Ally's dad?"

"Yes ma'am." he nodded.

"Wow thats so cool, i love your daughter. She's the best."

"Thanks you, i mean i am her father." he laughed.

A few seconds later Michele appeared with two cups of coffee in her hands.

"Hello, Im Austin's doctor, Dr. Hernandez."

"Oh hi, nice to meet you, I'm Michele Mahone. How is he?" She asked.

"Well I can't say he's doing good but I'm not saying he's doing really bad. Um Austin has Pulmonary Edema, which means he is going to be transferred to the ICU."

My uncle Carlos passed away from that, he basically drowned im his own body fluids, his lungs filled up with fluids and he just died.

My heart was pounding very loudly, i couldn't see or hear clearly. Sure Austin can be treated but what if it doesn't go well. I felt as if someone were stabbing in the chest. I could feel my tears building up. You know when you really want to cry but you dont and you feel like a knot is in your throat, well that's what im feeling.

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