(25) I wont let you

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I drove into the parking lot of Menchies i am shaking i don't want to talk to him.

I cant do it. Yes you can. No i cant.

I drove to McDonalds which was right next to Menchies and waited to see if Austin actually would come. Five minutes later i saw his range rover drive into Menchies. My hands began to sweat, i can do this. I drove back and parked next to him, took a deep breath and got out of my car.

"Hi." he said with a nervous smile. "Hi" i said. "Uh these are for you" he said handing me a small rose bouquet. "Oh thank you" i smiled. "We should go inside this is weird" he laughed. I smiled and headed for the door.

We got our yogurt and sat down, "So how are you?" he asked. "Um im fine, just practicing for the showcase with Normani and Jai" i said eating some of my yogurt. "Oh well you and him are singing a duet right?"

"Yep" i said. "So what are you guys singing?" he asked. "I think teenage dream but I'm not a hundred percent sure..i heard you backed out of the showcase."

"Yea i just wasn't feeling it, with everything thats been going on i just..It made me realize or think that i don't have a chance of being a professional, or famous singer..its a one in a million thing. Maybe I'm not fit for this music stuff..i should just give up." he said moving the spoon around the yogurt cup while staring at the table.

"Austin, music is your life. You-you love music..the meeting with the record label is next weekend you might get signed..we could both get signed. Ive never seen you give up on something that you love and you're very passionate about, and i wont let you. I love you way too much to see you give up on your dreams." I said. He looked up and smiled at me, "You're right." After i finished my yogurt i was about to get up to throw it away when Austin pulled me back down and said, "Camila..I'm really sorry for what i did to you. You trusted me and you devoted yourself to this relationship and i screwed up..i really miss you. Im trying to give you your time and space but i just cant."

I didn't know what to say, i just looked into his eyes and i knew that he meant it but i just cant forgive him, at least not yet. "Just please give me one more chance and i promise i wont screw up" he begged. "Austin..I'm sorry but i just..i cant forgive you at least not yet. I love you but you really messed up and i need time to think." I said with my eyes tearing up. "Yeah, a part of me knew exactly what you were going to say." he said. I couldn't say anything. I knew that if i said one word i would burst into tears.

"Well i should go." was what i said. "Yea me too." he said quietly. We walked outside together and he walked me to my car, "Thanks for the yogurt" i said. "Thanks for everything, that pep talk you gave me made my day" he smiled caressing my cheek. I blushed and smiled a bit. "Bye" i said. "I love you." he said. I smiled and said it back and drove away.

*I looked at him as i backed out of the parking space and he was smiling but then he had a frown on his face. I drove back and ran out of my car without turning my car off and leaving the door open. I ran up to him and pressed my lips onto his. It took him a couple of seconds to realize what was going on, our lips moved in sync..when a car horn beeped loudly and startled me. I was daydreaming..again. I quickly turned at the light.
Ive been daydreaming for the past three, almost four weeks.

When i got home Alex was sitting on the couch watching tv. "Hey" i said. "Hi" he said getting up to hug me. "So how was your day?" he asked me. "Okay, i guess i went to get some yogurt" "By yourself?" he questioned me. "Cam, i know.." he said. "Know what?" i asked. "About you and Austin, you don't have to lie to me i mean come on its been like a month and you think i didn't notice?"

I laughed a little. "Yea i know i guess i was a bit embarrassed to tell you." "Tell me what?" he asked. "Well you do know why we broke up?" i asked."No i don't" "He cheated." i said. He got up and began to mumble all these words i couldn't understand. "Im going to kill him!" he said opening the door and running to I'm guessing Austin's house. "Alex! Stop come back!!" i kept yelling but he kept running. I got in my car and drove as fast as i could even though his house was really close. I caught up to him, "Alex stop please..don't do this"

He looked at me and sighed, "Fine"

He got in the car and just stayed quiet.

"Im sorry" he said. "For what?" i asked. "For letting you get hurt again, i promised myself i wouldn't let anyone hurt you ever"

"Alex. Thanks for being the best brother ever but I'm going to get hurt many more times and you wont always be there to beat up the people hurt me. I can handle my own problems." "Ya i guess you're right, i wouldn't of gone through with it anyways." he laughed. "He's your best friend obviously, just don't let this come in between your friendship" i said. "I wont." he said.

We ended up watching Netflix all night, we ordered pizza and fell asleep at around four in the morning.

*1week later*

The showcase was yesterday and it went perfect, Dinah started out with If I Ain't Got You, Jai and I sang our duet of Teenage dream, Austin sang Beautiful Soul, Normani sang a Beyonce song ,obviously. Lauren sang If I Were A Boy, Ally sang a Mariah Carey song and everyone else did so amazing.

There were judges from the National Show Choir Association who watched the whole showcase and they decide if we go to Regionals. Today we know if we go or not, the competition is in California and I've only been there once. Jai lived there, his parents have a house in L.A. I really hope we get to go to because i would get to go with my friends.

I walked into Choir and Miss C was on the phone. Im guessing it was with NSCA, after she hung up she looked upset. "Guys..WE'RE GOING TO L.A NEXT YEAR!" she yelled. Everyone jumped up and started to clap and yell. Jai picked me up and spun me around i laughed and gave him a huge hug after he put me down. I hugged Austin without even thinking, he hugged me back before i pulled away. I didn't say anything because it was already awkward and if i said something it would just make it more awkward.

After class i put my stuff in my locker and waited for Jai so we could go home. After twenty minutes of waiting he didn't appear. I called his phone and no answer.

To: Jai❤️; Jai where are you? I've been waiting for you for like thirty minutes!😡

He didn't reply. I began to walk around looking for him as i passed the auditorium i heard yelling. I looked inside the auditorium and there was Austin and Jai screaming at each other.

"Why should i listen to you!" Jai's voice echoed in the huge auditorium. Austin lifted his arm and curled his hand in a fist and punched Jai in the face. Jai punched back and Austin fell back. He got back up and punched Jai repeatedly.

Oh my god this needs to stop.

I bursted into the auditorium, "STOP IT!" I yelled. They kept hitting each other. I couldn't even believe this, my ex boyfriend fighting my best friend. I yelled and screamed but they wouldn't stop. Austin pushed Jai and he fell down Austin was about to hit him when i ran and got in between him. I felt a strong pain on my head and i blacked out.


Sorry for taking so long to update AGAIN. Today was my birthday!🎉




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Bye ily❤️

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