(26) Id take a hit for you anytime

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"Oh my god Camila!" i screamed as she fell to the ground. "See what you did!" Jai yelled at me. He kneeled down and picked her up. "Let me take her!" i begged. "No you've done enough!"he said walking off. "Shes not your girlfriend and no matter how hard you try she wont ever be. Shes mine."

"Shes not your girlfriend either, remember that. You cheated on her. See my friend the difference between you and i is that you only worry and care about yourself. You don't own her or even deserve her and ill make sure she wont ever get hurt by you." He walked out of the auditorium.

I cant believe i hit Camila. Sure it was an accident but not only did i emotionally hurt but i physically hurt her this time. I hate myself right now.

I don't even know where Jai is going to take her.


I woke up to a beeping sound and people whispering. I opened my eyes and i was in what looked like a hospital room. Jai was sitting next to me and my dad, Kali, and Karen were sitting in the chairs next to him.

"Hey sweetie how ya feeling?" my dad asked me. "Um yea my head hurts, why am i here?" I asked. "Well after the hit you fell and hit yourself on the chairs and fell pretty hard onto the ground."

I tried to remember what happened but i couldn't.

"We're going down to the cafeteria do you guys want anything?" Karen asked. "No I'm okay thank you" Jai replied. I simply shook my head no. All of three of them left leaving Jai and i alone. "What exactly happened?" i asked. "Well Austin and i were fighting and Austin pushed me down and was about to hit me when you ran in between his fist and my face." he said quietly. It was dark in the room until i turned the light on. "Jai your face!" i basically yelled. "Shh its okay,I'm fine" "No oh my god come here!"

He walked over to the hospital bed and leaned in so i could see his face. I touched it and he flinched. I looked into his eyes and he into mine. I placed my hands on the sides of his jaw and pulled him onto where i could reach him and i kissed him. His lips moved with mine, i didn't expect to feel anything but i did. I felt like how i felt when i would kiss Austin. Butterflies in my stomach. We both pulled away and smiled. "Im sorry, i don't know why i did that." i said with embarrassment . "Its okay, i liked it." he smiled.

I smiled back while blushing.

A few minutes later my dad came in with the doctor. "Hey how are you feeling?" the doctor asked. "Im okay i think, but my neck really hurts when i move my head."

"Well you did have a pretty hard fall, you fractured you neck a bit, there some swelling on your neck and shoulders but it should go down in a couple of days and ill be giving you some medications. Some painkillers, something for your swelling and some heat wraps for your head and neck." he smiled. "So i can go home today?" i asked. "Well you were unconscious for almost a whole day so we want to just keep you overnight to see how you do and in the morning we'll run some X-rays and if everything looks fine you may go home"

"Okay" i smiled.

My dad, Karen, and Kali left which left Jai and I here. "I should go its getting late" he said getting up. "Hey Jai..did you call my mom like does she know I'm here?"

"We called but she didn't answer..her voicemail said that she was out of town."

"Oh" i frowned.

"Well bye beautiful, and sorry for everything this is all my fault." he said kissing my forehead. "Oh shut up Its not your fault" i smacked him. He laughed, "Well if you hadn't of gone in between us you wouldn't of gotten hit and you wouldn't be here" he frowned. "I wasn't going to let Austin hit you." I said. "Id take a hit for you anytime, except on prom week" i said. He laughed, kissed my cheek and left.

Jai always makes me smile. But Im still upset my mom didn't answer the phone. Shes probably with Vincent, like always. Something about that guy just doesn't seem right.





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Bye ily❤️

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