(23) Jai Brooks

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"I just don't understand why" I sobbed into Roberts shoulder. "I hate seeing you like this, i told you you were going to end up hurt, heartbroken." he sighed rubbing my back and softly stroking my hair. "Im so stupid" i said. "No you're not, you just really like him and you're hurt."

"I just never thought he would do this to me." I cried more.

"Shhhh, its okay I'm here."

I am heartbroken. I cant even look at Austin in the eye without wanting to slap him and cry and yell horrible things. I thought he really loved me, he made me believe that he was the one, that he loved me and wouldn't hurt me. Im not letting him get away with it, i mean he acts like if nothing ever happened.

"Oh my gosh no he didn't!" Normani and Lauren gasped at what i just told them. I wanted to cry but i cant, I'm too tired to cry. I couldn't sleep last night i just cried and listened to sad and depressing music.

"Im so sorry Camz, i hate seeing you hurt" Lauren moved my hair out of my face. I wiped my tears and began to eat the horrible sloppy joe they gave for lunch. After a while Lauren,Normani,Ally,Sarah,Destiny, Robert,Alex and a few other friends had me laughing and smiling in a while.

After lunch i began to walk to my Theatre Class, as i was going to turn to the other hallway i felt a pair of strong arms around my waist. I turned around and it was Austin.

Normani and Ally told me about their aunt who once was going through the same thing as me, they said that she had told them to wait a couple of days for the guy to tell you himself, if he doesn't then just leave him. I decided to give him until midnight, if he doesn't tell me himself then i guess we're done.

"Hey babe" he said kissing my cheek. I slightly cringed and backed away. "Whats wrong?" he asked me. "Um nothing i just have to get to class. I have a..test." "For Theatre?"he asked looking confused. "Yes! Now i have to go bye." i rushed to get to class.

I turned around and he was just staring at the floor.

When i walked into the classroom i took a seat in the back of the room and put my head down while the bell rang. "Hey, is this seat taken?" A deep familiar voice asked. I looked up and there was a guy who looked very familiar. It was difficult to see his face clearly with the lights off." the "Um no" i answered. He looked at me and smiled, "Im Ray, i just switched schools" "Hi, I'm Camila" i smiled.
I felt like i knew him, well i had a best friend named Jai but he moved and we lost touch.

In the darkness all i could see was his blue shirt and his dark hair.
The rest of the class period we didnt speak, i could feel his eyes on me throughout the film. The bell rang and our teacher turned the lights on before dismissing us. I turned around to actually look at Ray. "Hey Ray?", i asked.
"Um its Jai not Ray.", he turned around with a huge smirk on his face. "Oh my gosh. Its you.", i basically jumped into his arms and gave him a huge hug.
"I was just waiting for you to realize it was me the whole time.", Jai, (not Ray)laughed.
"Thats messed up, why didnt you tell me you were coming back?!", i smacked his arm. "Well we did kinda stop talking after i left and i lost your number."
"Wait are you staying at your old house?", i asked excitedly.
He nooded, "Yup, hey we should get going. Youre gonna be late for class and i need to look for room A205."
"Thats my class, English Literature. Come on dork.", i smiled before taking him by the arm. "You haven't changed one bit..well except for your physical appearance but i mean on the inside.", he rambled. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?", i smiled as we stood outside our destination.
"Its a good thing.", he winked before walking into the classroom.

The bell ran and Jai took a seat next to me. I could see Normani checking him out the whole time.
"Who's this?" she whispered'. "Im Jai" Jai answered clearly proving a point that Mani cant whisper.
After a few minutes Lauren walked into the classroom and immediately spitted Jai, she stood at the door and stared at him. "Oh my gosh Jai, you're back.", she said as she jumped into his arms. "I missed you so much.", she smiled at him. "I missed you guys more." He said in his Australian accent
After literature class was Choir, finally. This is the only place where i can let myself go and be myself. I grabbed Jai's hand and began to run to the choir room. "Where are we going?" he asked laughing. "Choir!" I said. Jai and i tripped as we were about to enter the choir room and we fell. I fell on top of him and we just started laughing. I looked at him and he was laughing like an idiot. "Are you okay?Im sorry!" i said laughing. "Yea I'm fine, come on" he said getting up, i grabbed his hand and helped him up.

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